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Sandra Burink Verified Account

Your HR Adviser
  • Marquette, Michigan , USA
  • About Sandra

    I have 16 years of experience in litigating employment law disputes. I take my expertise in employment law and work with businesses to manage their human capital. I also work with attorneys providing help with overflow work by drafting pleadings, responding to motions and handling other matters necessary.

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    Professional Experience


    Counsel June 2010 - June 2021


    Attorney/Owner 2010 - Present

    An employment-focused practice, I have represented clients in all stages of litigation. I am the owner and sole attorney in the practice. As such, I handle all matters myself and have close client contact.

    I have successfully argued in front of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, as well as the Michigan Court of Appeals. I have also achieved large verdicts for clients in claims for violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act for failure to pay overtime, as well as for claims for discrimination, sexual harassment, and violation of the FMLA.

    I am also skilled in consulting with businesses on best employment practices. This includes review and drafting of handbooks, policies and employment contracts, as well as assisting in the hiring and firing of employees. I also act as a neutral investigator into employees' claims of sexual harassment and unlawful discrimination.

    Associate Attorney February 2008 - June 2010

    I was responsible for advising both employees and employers of all resources and protections available under the law. I reviewed and drafted employment policies, employment contracts and provide counsel on unemployment matters.

    Law Office of Julie A. Gafkay

    Attorney August 2005 - February 2008

    Law Clerk--Michigan State Attorney General's Office, Lansing, Michigan


    Thomas M. Cooley Law School

    JURIS DOCTORGraduated in 2005

    Northwood University