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Matthew Love Verified Account

Associate Attorney at Clear Law Institute
  • , , USA
  • About Matthew

    Experienced legal professional with proven success in in-house, startup, and law firm settings in the US, Hong Kong, and Japan. Extensive background in labor and employment law, dispute resolution, employee relations, and human resources issues with an emphasis on workplace policies, workplace investigations, HR compliance, and employee training. Strong ability to design and implement corporate policies and procedures that reduce risks, enhance compliance, and increase efficiency. Skilled in ... Read more

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    Professional Experience

    Clear Law Institute

    Director of Compliance Services June 2022 - Present

    Advise multi-state clients on federal, state, and local employment laws, including discrimination and harassment, retaliation, wage and hour matters, leave and employee benefits, accommodations, employee training, and other workplace policies (FMLA, FLSA, Title VII/EEO, ADA, ADEA, etc.). Create, update, and deliver live and virtual employee compliance training programs for thousands of clients nationwide on topics such as sexual harassment and discrimination prevention and DE&I topics such as bystander intervention and unconscious bias. Conduct prompt, thorough, and impartial investigations of complaints alleging workplace harassment, discrimination, retaliation, workplace violence, and other violations of law and company policies. Make objective recommendations based on factual findings, including conducting investigatory interviews, reviewing relevant evidence, writing investigation reports, and delivering debriefs.

    • Reporting to the CEO, designed and led employee handbook services department and provided clients with custom, multi-state employee handbooks, state supplements, federal/state notices and postings, and other workplace policies.
    • Monitored legal developments and updated clients’ employee handbooks, training materials, and other workplace policies to keep multi-state clients in compliance with all relevant federal, state, and local laws and best practices.
    • Managed, developed, and grew team of employment compliance advisors and support staff to fuel company growth.

    Wei of Life Ltd

    In-House Counsel February 2021 - June 2022

    Reporting to the CEO, advised startup company on legal and business issues related to employment, employee relations, HR, contract, and general corporate and commercial law. Developed and implemented workplace policies and handbooks, employee training programs, and employment-related templates and agreements to proactively address workplace issues. Counseled CEO on potential employment law and other legal issues and managed risks to reduce the company's legal exposure. Managed outside counsel and supervised and mentored global teams of consultants.

    • Increased monthly revenue by over 30% by developing and implementing tiered client membership contracts, consequently building out global staff by nearly 70% and expanding business in the US, UK, EU, and APAC markets.
    • Reduced costs and project completion times by over 20% by preparing and negotiating employment, independent contractor, vendor, and service contracts, purchase agreements, NDAs, and other legal documents.

    Hugill & Ip, Solicitors

    Foreign Legal Consultant March 2019 - February 2021

    Provided practical and business-oriented legal advice and counseling on a range of US and international employment and employee relations issues, including workplace investigations, discrimination/harassment, retaliation, wage and hour, leaves of absence, accommodations, hiring, terminations, performance management, benefits, team moves, and data privacy. Managed cross-border investigations end-to-end, including conducting intake meetings, background research, investigative interviews, and debrief meetings. Resolved employment disputes by traditional litigation and alternative dispute resolution methods, including mediation and arbitration. Managed team of junior attorneys plus paralegal, secretary, and interns.

    • Successfully developed and led investigation and litigation strategies for employment-related claims (both defense and plaintiff), managed complex discovery, and negotiated and drafted settlement agreements, releases, and contracts.
    • Improved employee retention and resolved employment-related disputes for corporate clients by reviewing and revising employee handbooks, HR policies and procedures, and other workplace policies.

    MALWAR Consulting

    Foreign Legal Consultant August 2014 - March 2018

    Advised local attorneys on best practices and procedures to manage US litigation matters related to employment, HR compliance, workplace investigations, employee relations, contracts, and other general corporate and commercial matters.

    • Trained and counseled Japanese attorneys on US civil litigation matters by incorporating recent high-profile cases and updates to federal, state, and local laws into engaging and informative training seminars.

    Senter Goldfarb & Rice LLC

    Associate Attorney June 2013 - May 2014

    Assessed and developed legal strategies for civil litigation and insurance defense matters related to medical malpractice, products liability, and other general negligence torts.

    • Conducted sound, in-depth factual investigations by leading and performing investigative interviews and depositions.
    • Prepared and responded to litigation discovery, complaints, appeals, motions, and pleadings. Negotiated and authored settlement agreements, releases, and contracts.

    DISH Network

    In-House Contract Attorney January 2013 - June 2013

    Provided litigation counsel on employment law, employee relations, compliance, and other legal and ER/HR matters by conducting prompt, thorough, and fair internal investigations and employee interviews.

    • Reduced internal legal hold volume of digital and hardcopy documents related to employment litigation matters by 40% by conducting a record-breaking number of employee interviews and internal investigations.
    • Successfully gathered, analyzed, and cataloged e-discovery documents for all active and potential litigation matters by leading and managing internal employee interviews and workplace investigations.

    Bond Botes & Woods PC

    Associate Attorney May 2011 - December 2012

    Aided clients in obtaining bankruptcy protection relief and financial restructuring. Supervised legal staff and casework on client files, enhancing client satisfaction and growing client base.

    • Successfully assessed and developed legal strategies for clients by conducting interviews and detailed investigations.
    • Played key leadership role in enhancing client satisfaction through management and resolving 400+ active case files.


    The University of Mississippi - School of Law

    Juris Doctor

    The University of Mississippi

    Bachelor of Arts in Psychology & Political Science