
Jessica Burke Verified Account

Document Review Analyst at Epiq
  • Boston, Massachusetts , USA
  • About Jessica

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    Professional Experience


    Document Review Analyst January 2021 - Present

    • Examine electronically stored information (ESI) compromised by large-scale cyber data breach events, analyzing for privilege, relevance, and responsiveness to discovery requests.
    • Perform quality control analyses on others' work to identify and correct errors before submitting work product for client review.
    • Maintain confidentiality to protect sensitive information including personal health information (PHI) and personally-identifying information (PII).
    • Utilize Relativity platform to code documents in accordance with case-specific client protocols.

    Burke & Burke, PC

    Law Clerk - Litigation January 2019 - December 2020

    • Performed complex legal research and prepared memoranda of law on issues of tort law, civil procedure, and conflicts of law.
    • Assisted in drafting, cite-checking, and proofreading complaints, motions, briefs, memoranda of law, and other legal documents.
    • Provided discovery support, including the drafting of, and responding to, interrogatories and requests for document production.
    • Interfaced with clients, opposing counsel, government agencies, experts, and witnesses regarding ongoing cases.

    The Law Offices of Joseph L

    Summer Associate May 2017 - July 2017

    • Drafted opening brief for multimillion-dollar complex litigation suit pending in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.
    • Assisted in oral argument preparation by compiling trial binders including exhibits, trial outlines, case indexes, and witness lists.
    • Performed complex legal research and drafted memoranda of law on issues pertaining to trusts, fiduciary duty, contracts,
    • conflicts of laws, jurisdictional disputes, affirmative defenses in arbitration, and trademark infringement and unfair competition.

    United States District Court for the District of Columbia

    Judicial Intern to the Honorable Randolph D. Moss January 2017 - April 2017

    • Researched substantive and procedural legal issues before the court, both civil and criminal in nature.
    • Reviewed filings and drafted case summaries evaluating legal claims and analyzing relevant case law and statutory law.
    • Proofread, cite-checked, and edited court documents prior to publication, focusing on legal citations, grammar, and syntax.

    United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary

    Law Clerk September 2016 - December 2016

    to Senator Richard J. Durbin (Democratic Whip, 109th-117th Congress) September 2016-December 2016
    • Researched legal issues implicated in bills before the Senate and drafted memoranda to brief Senator Durbin's judiciary staff.
    • Reviewed pending and proposed legislation, presenting both technical and substantive edits to committee staff.
    • Served as office proxy at panels and hearings relating to issues including immigration, civil rights, and criminal justice reform.

    U.S. Court

    Legal Intern June 2016 - August 2016

    • Researched legal and factual matters pertaining to immigration and asylum law. Assisted with client intake assessments.
    • Drafted portions of an opening brief for an immigration case on appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
    • Edited and cite-checked briefs, country conditions reports, and declarations for cases pending in federal appellate court.


    Georgetown University Law Center

    J.D. (completed 83 credits)

    Tufts University

    B.A. (English)Graduated in 2013