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Maggie Trinh Verified Account

Investigative Intern & Legal Intern at Next Chapter Legal
  • San Mateo, California , USA
  • About Maggie

    Next Chapter Legal is founded by Maggie W. Trinh, Esq. (she/her/hers), who has almost a decade of experience providing employment law advice and counseling to individuals and businesses alike. In addition to her counseling work, she has also litigated for many years on behalf of individuals, small non-profit organizations, and multi-national tech companies, winning trial court and appellate victories in both California state and federal court. This litigation background for a wide range o... Read more

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    Professional Experience

    Next Chapter Legal

    Founder and Employment Law Attorney 2021 - Present

    Next Chapter Legal is founded by Maggie W. Trinh, Esq. (she/her/hers), with almost a decade of experience providing employment law advice and counseling to individuals and businesses alike. Next Chapter Legal is currently focused on providing California employment law advice and representation to individuals and small to medium businesses.

    In addition to her counseling work, she has also litigated for many years on behalf of individuals, small non-profit organizations, and multi-national tech companies, winning trial court and appellate victories in both California state and federal court. This litigation background for a wide range of clients informs her practical, customized approach to employment law.

    Curley, Hurtgen & Johnsrud LLP

    Attorney 2017 - 2021

    Worked closely with business and legal units from Fortune 100 and multinational companies to assess legal risk while balancing business impact. Supported compliance in California and nationwide, including AB 1825 and EDI training and MCLE materials based on charge and litigation data. Advised clients on a broad range of employment issues, including HR practices, performance management, terminations, recruiting, hiring, compensation and benefits, wage and hour, labor relations, handbooks, employee relations, and pre-dispute conflicts; represented clients in employment law claims in state and federal court and in arbitrations and labor matters. Responded to agency charges and draft successful dispositive motions, affirmed on appeal.

    Farbstein & Blackman APC

    Associate Attorney 2012 - 2017


    Conduct, defend, and prepare witnesses for depositions. Utilize legal research, analytical, and writing skills to draft successful dispositive motions, including demurrers, motions to dismiss, motions for summary judgment and adjudication, and motions to strike. Prepare responsive pleadings, complaints, and all forms of written discovery. Act as lead attorney in all types of ADR, such as mediations, early settlement programs, and settlement conferences. Strong client relationships, handling single-plaintiff, multi-plaintiff, and class action cases from pre-litigation through resolution and dismissal. Respond to and draft demand letters. Investigate and evaluate claims and advise employers on personnel policies and procedures. Advise and represent employers and individuals, including sexual harassment training; develop business and referral sources; write articles and news blasts for client information.


    Federal court, state court, and before the DFEH, EEOC, Labor Commissioner, and CUIAB. Practice all aspects of employment law, including but not limited to wrongful termination, discrimination and harassment (FEHA, Title VII, ADEA, ADA, FMLA, CFRA), wage and hour, employment agreements, employee handbooks, fraudulent inducement (Labor Code 970), and unemployment insurance claims. Transitioned to permanent employment in July 2012.

    Department of Fair Employment & Housing

    Enforcement Division 2011 - 2012

    Interviewed people seeking to file formal employment discrimination complaints and negotiated settlements. Drafted complaints, discovery requests and case analysis reports for employment discrimination claims. Determined whether to proceed with employment discrimination cases to the formal accusation stage. Responded to Public Records Act requests. Created and presented guide to colleagues on leaves of absence as a reasonable accommodation in ADA violation cases. Reviewed class action cases.


    UC Berkeley

    B.A., EconomicsGraduated in 2008

    UC Davis

    J.D.Graduated in 2011