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Nick Ferraro Verified Account

Ferraro Vega San Diego Employment Lawyers
  • San Diego, California , USA
  • About Nick

    Mr. Ferraro regularly writes, speaks, and teaches on employment law issues. His articles have appeared in the California Employment Law Letter, HR Daily Advisor, Lexology, and leading employment law newsletters.

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    Professional Experience

    Ferraro Vega San Diego Employment Lawyers

    Founder 2015 - Present

    Mr. Ferraro started his litigation career in the labor and employment departments of elite national defense firms such as Duane Morris and Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani. During this time, he represented employers, including Fortune 500 companies, in resolving complex employment issues like wrongful termination, demoted, or treated unfairly due to discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and wage and hour issues.


    University of San Diego

    School of LawGraduated in 2015