Law Firm Hourly rates Atlanta Austin Baltimore Boston Charlotte Chicago Colombus Dallas Denver Detroit Fort Worth Houston Indianapolis Jacksonville Las Vegas Los Angeles Louisville Memphis Miami Nashville New York Oklahoma City Omaha Philadelphia Phoenix Portland San Antonio San Diego San Francisco San Jose Washington, D.C.
Bankruptcy Business and Corporate Contracts Employment and Labor Entertainment Immigration Intellectual Property Litigation Real Estate Taxation
Any level of experience 1 to 2 year of experience 3 to 5 years of experience 6 to 10 years of experience 11 to 15 years of experience More than 15 years of experience
Any law firm size < 5 people firms 5 - 10 people firms 11 - 100 people firms 101 - 500 people firms 501 - 1,000 people firms > 1,000 people firms
What is the hourly rate of lawyers specializing in Entertainment in Los Angeles?
The average hourly rate of attorneys working in law firms specializing in Entertainment in Los Angeles is $677/hr. This estimate is based on hourly rates reported by community members.
Want a better rate? Hire with Low $415/hr 10th Percentile
Average $677/hr Median: $625/hr
High $1010/hr 90th Percentile
How does the hourly rate vary in function of experience?
Depending on their level of experience, lawyers in Los Angeles who specialize in Entertainment charge from $415 to $1010/hr and above.
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