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Alexandra Garza Verified Account

Blue Wire Media
  • New York, New York , USA
  • About Alexandra

    I am admitted to the New York State Bar and currently serve as in-house counsel for Blue Wire Media, a startup in the podcasting and media industry.

    I focus on copyright, intellectual property, and entertainment law. I hold a degree in Media, Culture, and Communication from New York University and a J.D. from the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, where I was on the editorial board for the Arts and Entertainment Law Journal.

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    Professional Experience

    Blue Wire Media

    Associate Counsel, Business Affairs and Legal February 2021 - Present

    Draft, review, redline, and negotiate contracts, including: talent and production agreements, network licensing agreements, employment agreements, independent contractor agreements, and IP acquisition agreements;

    Perform reviews of original content produced by Blue Wire for possible liability, rights clearances, defamation, privacy, and related claims, and recommend edits that reduce or limit risk; 

    Create, update, and remodel Blue Wire's contract templates to ensure business and legal compliance;

    Conduct legal research and analysis on pertinent, new, and complex areas of entertainment and media law and prepare written summaries and memos for the company;

    Liaise with internal stakeholders and creative clients and legal department contacts as well as outside counter-parties, including talent attorneys, agents, and external counsel;

    Oversee all trademark filings with the USPTO and monitor progress through an internal database of owned trademarks;

    Upgraded Blue Wire's contract life-cycle by partnering with a third party software company to decrease delayed workflows and increase productivity.

    Tuff City Records

    Intern, Business and Legal Affairs April 2019 - September 2019

    Reviewed music licenses, including: sync; master and publishing agreements; mechanical licenses; and catalog assignments. 

    Participated in conferences and conducted legal research for cases involving copyright infringement. 

    Created an online database detailing the label’s intellectual property and extracting pertinent information from assignments and recording agreements to determine splits and the label’s ownership.


    Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law

    Juris DoctorGraduated in 2020

    New York University

    B.S. in Media, Culture, and CommunicationGraduated in 2017