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Sonya Shaykhoun Verified Account

Senior Legal Counsel
  • New York, New York , USA
  • About Sonya

    Sonya Shaykhoun, Esq. is a NY-born and raised, British-educated, NY-qualified attorney who has spent more than 15 years in the Middle East - studying in Alexandria, Egypt (1997-98), and working in Bahrain (2004-2011) and Qatar (2011-2019.) Shaykhoun has worked in several iconic companies and has supported companies with multiple divisions operating on a global scale where she provided corporate, commercial, transactional, and compliance legal services.

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    Professional Experience

    The Law Offices of Sonya Shaykhoun, Esq

    Owner/Attorney May 2019 - Present

    Manage a variety of legal matters, including contract negotiation, drafting and review, litigation and dispute resolution, Middle East matters, and advising on a wide variety of legal issues.

    My-HD Media

    Independent Legal Consultant. As the sole lawyer September 2015 - April 2016

    for My-HD, provided full-time media specialist remote support to a pay-satellite HD TV company headquartered in Dubai, UAE from Doha, Qatar. Responsibilities included drafting and negotiating rights and distribution contracts, drafting termination letters, drafting non-disclosure agreements and providing legal advice.

    Syscontech Limited W.L.L

    General Counsel February 2015 - July 2015

    Provided legal support to this technology start-up. Advised on complex agreements, documentation for tender submissions, litigation strategy, Qatari law matters, intellectual property and trademark issues.

    Charles Russell LLP

    Attorney April 2008 - August 2010

    Responsibilities included: (1) handling a range of contract reviews governed by English, Bahraini and New York laws respectively for various media, technology, insurance, and facility management companies in Bahrain and other Arabian Gulf countries; (2) building client relationships for newly established English law firm in Bahrain; (3) providing legal services during two six-month secondments at the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) and Gulf Air in Bahrain respectively; (4) proactive rainmaking; and, (5) managing complex due diligence projects via digital war rooms.

    Orbit Communications Company WLL, Manama

    Senior Legal Counsel May 2004 - February 2008

    Responsibilities included: (1) driving the suite of contracts with SONY for the establishment of Orbit's new semi-digital broadcast center in Bahrain (2004); (2) handling a broad range of corporate, commercial and regulatory matters; (3) managing the extensive trademark portfolio in conjunction with trademark specialists; (4) negotiating, drafting and closing a wide range of new technology, media and telecommunications contracts (including the new digital broadcast platform in Bahrain, the two-way Sat-Net contract with Eutelsat; (5) multi-million dollar space capacity agreements with various satellite companies) and general corporate and commercial matters for Orbit Communications Company, a pay satellite TV company, formerly operating in the Middle East and North Africa as Orbit (now OSN based in Dubai, UAE); and, (6) providing contract, legal, corporate, and regulatory support to Orbit's sister company, Noorsat Communications W.L.L.


    University Of Sussex And The Rule Of Law And Anti Corruption Center

    Master of LawsGraduated in 2018

    London Institute

    CertificateGraduated in 2014

    School Of Oriental And African Studies (Soas), University Of London

    Master of LawsGraduated in 2003

    School Of Oriental And African Studies (Soas), University Of London

    BPPGraduated in 2001

    University Of St. Andrews

    Juris DoctorGraduated in 2000