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Jesko Onken Verified Account

Legal Department at Law Office of Jesko Onken
  • San Francisco, California , USA
  • About Jesko

    Attorney at Law located in San Francisco and licensed in California, Hawaii and Germany practicing since 2005 with a focus on cost-effective services for companies of all sizes operating internationally.

    If you are looking for excellent legal services from an internationally experienced attorney with business sense and passion for effective solutions look no further.

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    Professional Experience

    Law Office of Jesko Onken

    Attorney at Law February 2007 - Present

    Consult business clients on various legal matters, including license, service and technology agreements, data protection, corporate law and compliance, financing, and other business-related legal matters. Client‘s first point of contact for all legal affairs. Select and coordinate specialized legal counsel for clients’ international projects. Analyze and present information to improve client’s legal strategies.

    Dresdner Kleinwort, Investment Bank

    Transaction Manager July 2005 - January 2007

    Advised on legal aspects of structured debt capital market products world-wide. Negotiated documentation, filed documents with financial supervisory authorities and organized stock exchange listings. Coordinated all internal and external parties, including clients, attorneys, authorities, auditors, paying and clearing agents.

    2-Year German Legal Clerkship Program

    Referendar July 2003 - June 2005

    German practical training divided into independent 4-month stages. Requirement to qualify for the German 2nd state examination and become a fully qualified lawyer or judge under German law: 

    Affymetrix, Inc., Legal Department, Santa Clara, CA

    Schuster, Lentföhr & Zeh Law Firm, Frankfurt am Main/Germany

    City Council of Offenbach/Germany, Legal Department

    German Consulate General San Francisco, CA/USA

    District Court, Chamber for Commercial Matters, Hanau/Germany


    University of Goettingen, Germany

    Law School, J.D.Graduated in 2003