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Mohamed Elian Verified Account

  • Beaverton, Oregon , USA
  • About Mohamed

    A bilingual dual-qualified attorney admitted in the State of Minnesota as well as in Egypt; strong oral and written communication skills and a strong background and experience in negotiating and drafting commercial agreements. Experience advising stakeholders in corporate legal matters. Practiced law in three continents, Africa, Asia, and North America.

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    Professional Experience

    University of Oregon School of Law

    Adjunct Professor January 2021 - Present

    Teaching the following courses:
    - Corporate Law
    - Secured Transactions
    - Advanced Legal Research

    University of Oregon School of Law

    LL.M. Program Director April 2019 - Present

    Since I assumed the LLM program director position, I developed new changes to the LLM program, which resulted in a 300% increase in the LLM students' recruitment. As the LLM Program Director, I do the following tasks:
    • Overseeing global admission and recruiting
    • Handling Oregon Law Global affairs collaboration efforts
    • Negotiated and drafted agreements such as MOUs, LOIs, and joint university collaborations with global partners
    • Managing the LLM department, administratively and strategically
    • Providing support to current LL.M. students

    Davis Law Office

    Associate Attorney January 2017 - March 2019

    Designed cross-border transactions assisting American companies doing business in the Middle East and Middle Eastern companies doing business in the States. 
    • Advised clients in M&A and joint ventures matters. 
    • Counseled clients on trade compliance regulations in the Middle East. 
    • Drafted and negotiated complex global legal agreements. 
    • Advised global and regional multinational corporations in corporate and commercial legal matters. At the K&L Gates I represented the following clients: o The largest defense company in the world in its business operations in the Middle East. 
    o The second-largest sports shoes and clothes manufacturer in the world in reviewing and negotiating commercial agreements, such as distribution agreements, in Qatar. 
    o Siemens in its £785 million acquisition of Rolls-Royce Energy gas turbine and compressor business. 
    o Qatari governmental agency on its contractual arrangements for a multimillion-dollar development in Doha. 
    o The biggest telecommunication companies in the world, where I reviewed and negotiated commercial agreements in the region. 

    Al Adel Law Firm

    Associate Attorney December 2015 - December 2016

    Specialized in providing legal and business services to talented individuals, entrepreneurs, and companies. 

    • Advised regional and global clients on corporate and commercial legal matters. 
    •  Established numerous corporations and limited liability companies for successful entrepreneurs. 
    • Negotiated, drafted, and closed numerous acquisitions. 
    • Successfully negotiated, reviewed, drafted numerous agreements. 
    • Successfully negotiated and closed deals for real estate investment group formation and restructuring. 
    • Successfully negotiated and closed digital distribution deals for a large regional record company and studio. 

    K&L Gates

    Associate Attorney January 2015 - December 2015

    Advised large western companies on corporate law, franchising regulations, and intellectual property. Reviewed, drafted, and negotiated multilingual contracts for both local and multinational clients.
    Representative work:
    • Drafted and negotiated multimillion commercial agreements such as terms and conditions of Sale, distribution policies, IP licensing agreements, stockholder agreements, nondisclosure agreements, master services agreements, joint ventures agreements, lease agreements, and employment agreements.
    • Represented the second largest sports shoes and clothes manufacture in the world in reviewing and negotiating commercial agreements, such as distribution agreements, in Qatar.
    • Represented Siemens in its £785 million acquisition of Rolls-Royce Energy gas turbine and compressor business.
    • Represented one of the biggest telecommunication companies in the world, where I reviewed and negotiated commercial agreements in the region.
    • Formed a joint venture between Egyptian and American companies related to real estate developments in Egypt.
    • Advised a multinational American conglomerate on how to protect its IP activities in the Middle East.
    • Advised a Qatari governmental agency on its contractual arrangements for a multimillion-dollar development in Doha.
    • Advised one of the largest professional services companies in the world on a $20 million real estate transaction.
    • Drafted an aircraft purchase agreement for a multi-million-dollar aviation deal.
    • Drafted a proposal for a government agency regarding the preparation and drafting of the legal and regulatory framework necessary to establish economic zones in the Middle East.

    Honorable David S. Doty, United States District Court, District of Minnesota

    Law Clerk September 2014 - January 2015

    Conducted legal research, drafted orders and opinions.


    University Of Minnesota Law School

    Juris DoctorateGraduated in 2014

    University Of Minnesota Law School

    LL.MGraduated in 2011

    Université Panthéon Sorbonne

    MastersGraduated in 2005

    Cairo University Law School

    LL.B.Graduated in 2003