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Larry White Verified Account

Chief Administrative Officer & General Counsel
  • Reisterstown, Maryland , USA
  • About Larry

    Attorney and executive, who focuses on the business objectives and finds ways to overcome barriers to success. A CPA, and MBA, as well as a JD, with a significant business and legal background. Diverse industry experience including: financial services, government & commercial contracting, healthcare, IT, products. Legal and CAO expertise covers the gamut of business and legal issues – government, commercial and international. PROFICIENCES  Contract Negotiations Litigation  M&A  Corp... Read more

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    Professional Experience



    A Fortune 50 corporation providing information technology services, products and software solutions to government agencies and commercial companies of all sizes.


    Manage attorneys & supply chain legal advisors for a $8B business unit providing IT & cyber products and services to government agencies and commercial companies. Responsibilities include: negotiating complex agreements, business strategy & JVs, compliance, training, IP; oversee corporate compliance, ethics and conflict of interest programs; provide advice and counsel to sr. management in diverse areas, including: finance & audit, contracts, BD, protest & claims, IT, IP, and risk management.

    }  Established multi-party joint venture leading to $100 million DoD contract award; performed due diligence for acquisition of cyber solutions company; led supply chain team in $20M investment in early-stage cyber entity.

    }  Draft and negotiate complex government & commercial IT product and service agreements; closed diverse commercial & international cyber transactions, leading to $250M in international business; revised FOSS policies and led automation project, resulting in reduced FOSS backlogs of 70% and cost savings of over $300,000 per year.

    }  Develop and lead training programs for diverse corporate areas, including: supply chain, IP, regulatory & compliance, ethics, and privacy; legal representative on corporate mentoring committee matching employees with mentors. 

    }  Lead supply chain attorney on compliance activities; achievements include: streamlining commercial & government contract templates for U.S./international procurements, revised insurance/risk templates to align with industry standards. 

    }  Conduct ethics investigations in areas of: Hotline complaint resolution, conflict of interest, labor and employment and compliance issues. Negotiated successful settlement from OIG  audit reducing liability from $250,000 to $34,000.

    }  Draft and negotiate diverse IP agreements and strategic transactions. Types of IP include patents, trademarks and copyright matters. Led team in purchase of and implementation of software tool to reduce Free & Open Software product reviews, leading to streamlined processes & reduced product commercialization time to market of over 120 days. 

    }  Manage litigation, contract claims, audits and government investigations for division’s supply chain operations. Successfully resolved conflicts matter, helping to save customer relationship; successfully negotiated payment by DoD of company’s $1.3M invoice claim; also saved $3M in software license fees dispute via early-stage resolution.  Work closely with regulatory team on antitrust, FCPA, FAR/DFARS and changes in legislation and government regulations.




    Impresa Legal Group

    Of Counsel 2013 - 2018

    }  Drafted, reviewed and negotiated government and commercial contracts for firm’s clients. Types of agreements included: IP, IT, products, software licensing, reseller and other relationship agreements.

    }  Strategized and consulted with firm’s clients regarding diverse business matters, including: JVs, teaming and product development transactions. 

    Developed compliance programs, policies and procedures and resolved conflict of interest matters for clients.  

    CACI International, Inc.

    Deputy General Counsel December 2006 - June 2013

    CACI International Inc. provides information technology products and services for government and commercial markets, primarily in North America, the Middle East and Western Europe.


    As Deputy General Counsel, led all phases of legal work in M&A transactions, including: agreements & negotiations, due diligence, managing counsel and advisors; successful in resolving multiple issues culminating in $115 million and $55 million IT acquisitions; managed all legal, tax & insurance activities for company’s R&D, partnering arrangements and joint ventures, including: corporate governance, dispute resolution, and loan & finance activities.

    }  Drafted and negotiated diverse commercial, government & international IT product/services contracts; negotiated complex equipment sale resulting in $500K profit; negotiated real estate transactions, including leases/subleases & buy-outs; advised HR team on diverse labor & employment matters.

    }  Managed company’s IP efforts in trademarks, trade secrets, patents, and disputes; blocked issuance of unlawful mark and established ADR process to save significant legal fees in multiple matters.

    }  Oversaw international legal activities including: transaction reviews, resolution of employment issues, litigation management, and environmental & export compliance activities. Prevailed in key European cases, resulting in no company liability; solved significant EU privacy & regulatory matters resulting in stronger compliance measures.

    }  Managed litigation, investigations & disputes in: commercial, contract protests, and employment & labor matters; successfully settled M&A litigation for less than 20% of the demand, saving company more than $2 million; favorably resolved several EEOC matters leading to no liability; settled significant government contracts case, saving company $1.3 million in billing reimbursements.

    }  Advised executive management on complex healthcare regulatory & IT matters, including privacy and evolving regulations; coordinated with outside counsel on diverse regulatory issues.

    Ajilon, LLC (Adecco Staffing IT/Telecom Subsidiary)

    Chief Legal Counsel July 2002 - December 2006

    Adecco Staffing subsidiary specializing in temporary and permanent commercial IT, telecommunications and professional staffing recruitment..


    Managed legal and real estate departments for Ajilon’s  IT and telecommunications entities in the U.S. and Canada

    }  Advised & strategized with senior management on transaction risks.

    }  Drafted and negotiated complex commercial & international agreements covering IT, finance, vendor services, insurance, real estate, intellectual property, M&A, employment, and other business matters.

    }  Developed six major types of corporate customer agreements resulting in increased operational efficiency; led aggressive program to collect more than $1 million in outstanding client fees; worked with company’s entertainment & IT clients on diverse IP matters, solving key issues; negotiated innovative termination of obsolete office leases, saving $3 million in rent.

    }  Successfully conducted investigations & used ADR to resolve Whistleblower, employment and other corporate issues leading to more than $500K in cost savings; developed and led corporate training programs covering: employment, compliance, IP, U.S. and international business and contract topics.

    }  Managed outside counsel in business, M&A, real estate, employment and governance cases; successfully consolidated legal representation in the U.S. and Canada, saving more than $500K annually.


    Widener University School of Law


    Loyola College


    University of MD
