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Rick Bhasin Verified Account

Commercial Litigation and Investigations Counsel at Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan
  • Los Angeles, California , USA
  • About Rick

    Commercial Litigation & Investigations Counsel An experienced attorney with more than 18 years of practice at one of the world’s leading law firms, specializing in Internal Investigations, Government Enforcement, and Commercial Litigation and Arbitration. Skilled in managing complex business disputes, arbitrations, and investigations across a wide range of industries, including technology, entertainment, media, aerospace, banking, software, and real estate. Known for providing strategic le... Read more

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    Professional Experience

    Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP

    Commercial Litigation and Investigations Counsel March 2006 - December 2024

    Practice focuses on litigating commercial disputes, conducting internal investigations, and defending government enforcements. 

    Conducted internal investigations and defended both private and public companies against government enforcements by the DOJ, SEC, FinCEN, CFTC, FTC, FDA, FINMA, and FCA on matters related to FCPA, UK Bribery Act, Dodd-Frank Act, Bank Secrecy Act, accounting fraud, trade secret misappropriation, back-dating of stock options, economic espionage, Anti-Kickback Statute, False Claims Act, off label promotions of drugs, advertisement buying practices, price-fixing, market allocation, and bid-rigging. 

    Represented technology companies in intellectual property, breach of contract, and fraud disputes. Litigated industry-wide patent and antitrust disputes in the semiconductor industry. Defended patent infringement claims from non-practicing entities. Defended section 337 complaints in the ITC. 

    Represented financial firms and insurance companies in fraud and breach of contract disputes. Represented government-sponsored enterprises, institutional trustees, and security shareholders against investment banks for asset-backed securities fraud.


    Loyola Law School

    Juris DoctorGraduated in 2005

    University of California

    Bachelors in MathematicsGraduated in 2002