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Big Law Firms Invest in Alumni Networks

Big Law firms are ramping up investments in their alumni networks, spending up to a few millions of dollars to nurture these relationships for the business and talent recruitment opportunities they provide.

  • Big Law firms spend between $100,000 and a few million to build robust alumni networks to maintain relationships and recruit top talent.

  • Alumni programs help firms strengthen client connections as former employees often move to in-house counsel roles.

  • These networks offer long-term business development benefits by keeping former employees engaged with the firm.

Big Law firms are ramping up investments in their alumni networks, recognizing the business and talent recruitment opportunities these relationships provide, a Law.com analysis shows.

The offer: The largest, most profitable firms spend in the low millions annually on their alumni programs, according to one legal firm insider. Smaller firms likely spend much less, with some likely in the $100,000 to $500,000 range, the source said.

Some firms also offer career coaches to current and former lawyers, job boards for alumni, mentorship opportunities, external alum committees, and more.

The payoff: Stronger ties with former employees who frequently move into senior in-house counsel roles, fostering long-term business development and facilitating future recruitment efforts.

“Where I’ve seen these relationships worth their weight in gold is when individual partners are cultivating relationships with in-house decision-makers” who are firm alumni, said Jason Winmill, the managing partner of Argopoint and a consultant to corporate legal departments. “Those individual relationships, it turns out, can be very, very important to an individual partner’s book of business.”

A Change in Attitude

Alumni networks are a change in attitude from years past, firm leaders say.

  • Nicole Mesard, deputy presiding partner at Debevoise & Plimpton, said the firm encourages partners to have one-on-one conversations with associates about future goals even in their first years. The firm also offers a mentorship program that matches alumni with current associates.

  • Ira Coleman, the chair of McDermott Will & Emery, noted that the cultivation of an alumni network is a change in attitude from years past, when the topic of careers after the firm was taboo. “We have to treat people who made it to us as successes,” he said.

Strengthening Client Relationships

  • For many law firms, maintaining connections with alumni is critical as former associates often transition into decision-making roles at large corporations. These in-house counsel roles often involve overseeing major legal work, making the continued relationship between the law firm and its alumni a valuable asset. 

  • Firms placing associates in-house is a win-win and also another way of strengthening client relationships. “Playing matchmakers to clients and making sure that they get the best talent possible, while also ensuring that our colleagues are happy, just makes business sense,” said Yvette Ostolaza, management committee chair for Sidley Austin.

Talent Recruitment and Retention

Beyond business development, alumni networks play a pivotal role in talent acquisition. Firms can use these networks to bring back former employees as associates, partners and laterals or help to connect with other top-tier legal professionals. 

Kristy Weathers, Eversheds Sutherland’s professional development partner, said she could think of four or five lawyers who had left as associate attorneys, gone to clients, and returned to the firm as partners.

Why this matters: Firms create strong connections with alumni, “to go on and be brand ambassadors” who may “help in the future with recruitment,” said McDermott’s global director of alumni relations, Adrienne Kelly. “This also comes with increased business opportunities that come from maintaining your alumni network.”

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