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EU, UK, and U.S. Sign First Legally Binding Global AI Treaty

The EU, UK, U.S. and seven other nations have signed the first legally binding international treaty focused on AI.

  • The EU, UK, U.S. and seven other countries have signed the world’s first international treaty on AI governance, led by the Council of Europe.

  • Forty-eight other nations are expected to sign the AI Convention, setting global standards in AI ethics and human rights.

  • The AI Convention focuses on fundamental rights protections, unlike the EU's AI Act, which regulates specific applications of AI within the bloc.

The EU, UK, and U.S. have signed the first legally binding international treaty focused on artificial intelligence, initiated by the Council of Europe, according to a Reuters report. This agreement is designed to set international standards for AI development, ensuring that AI technology aligns with human rights, democracy, and the rule of law.

Why this matters: The Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights, Democracy, and the Rule of Law is the first global treaty of its kind and is already supported by all members of the Council of Europe and other nations across the world. 

Who endorses it: In addition to the EU, UK and U.S., it was signed by Andorra, Georgia, Iceland, Israel, Norway, Republic of Moldova and San Marino. Thirty-nine remaining Council of Europe members plus nine non-member states (Argentina, Australia, Canada, Costa Rica, the Holy See, Japan, Mexico, Peru, and Uruguay) are also expected to sign. 

AI Convention vs EU AI Act

Though both documents are aimed at governing AI, the AI Convention and the EU AI Act, which went into effect on August 1, take different approaches. 

The EU AI Act, which focuses on high-risk applications of AI within its jurisdiction, has a narrower scope and applies directly to businesses operating in the European Union. In contrast, the AI Convention is broader in its global focus, addressing human rights concerns and pushing for international cooperation.

What the AI Convention Provides

This marks a significant step toward global AI regulation, especially in the context of rapid AI advancements. The convention aims to ensure that activities within the lifecycle of artificial intelligence systems are fully consistent with human rights, democracy and the rule of law, while being conducive to technological progress and innovation.

In order to stand the test of time, the Framework Convention does not regulate technology and is essentially technology-neutral, according to the Council of Europe

Guiding Principles

The treaty provides guiding principles to ensure that AI systems are designed and deployed in ways that respect human rights:

  • Human dignity and individual autonomy

  • Equality and non-discrimination

  • Respect for privacy and personal data protection

  • Transparency 

  • Accountability and responsibility

  • Reliability

  • Safe innovation

“We must ensure that the rise of AI upholds our standards, rather than undermining them. The Framework Convention is designed to ensure just that. It is a strong and balanced text - the result of the open and inclusive approach by which it was drafted and which ensured that it benefits from multiple and expert perspectives,” said Council of Europe Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić. “The Framework Convention is an open treaty with a potentially global reach.”

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