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Strategic Shifts and Modest Growth: NLJ 500 Key Trends

The results show modest growth in attorney headcounts among the largest U.S. law firms, with significant changes in firm rankings driven by strategic expansions and market dynamics.

Strategic Shifts and Modest Growth: NLJ 500 Key Trends

(Image courtesy of Law.com, designed by Chelsey Fredlund/ALM)

The 2024 National Law Journal (NLJ) annual survey provides a comprehensive look at the 500 largest law firms in the U.S., offering insights into their growth, strategic shifts, and market dynamics. Throughout 2023, most of the top law firms experienced modest increases in their attorney numbers, but this came with significant exceptions that prompted significant shifts in the rankings at the pinnacle of the NLJ 500.

A handful of firms successfully expanded their ranks cautiously in response to heightened litigation demands. Others faced challenges that led to reductions in their attorney bases. The report not only highlights the overall growth in attorney headcounts but also delves into the strategic maneuvers and market dynamics that influenced these changes.

NLJ Ranking Categories

The 2024 NLJ 500 categorizes firms based on multiple criteria:

  • Ranked by Head Count: Based on the total number of full-time equivalent attorneys.

  • Law Firm Profitability: Analyzing financial metrics and profitability across the NLJ 500.

  • Starting Salaries: Highlighting the highest starting salaries for first-year associates among these firms.

  • Regional Insights: Providing detailed regional analysis, focusing on geographic trends and concentrations.

These categories offer a comprehensive view of the diverse metrics and dynamics shaping the legal industry landscape as depicted by the NLJ 500.

Headcount Trends and Growth Rates

In 2023, the NLJ 500 firms saw an increase in lawyers headcounts. This marks a rise to the pre-pandemic growth levels after a more accelerated rebound in 2022. The number of lawyers across these firms has risen by 2.3%, which is slightly lower than the previous year, which was clocked at 3.9%. 

Besides this, the average firm size within the NLJ 500 cohort also increased by 2.4%, reflecting a steady expansion across the board. Litigation practices have played a key role when it comes to the increase of headcounts.

With disputes and litigation demand on the rise—up 2.8% by year-end 2023—firms adapted by bolstering their attorney rosters to meet client needs. This strategic emphasis on litigation not only buoyed financial performance but also influenced ranking adjustments within the NLJ 500.

Ranking Adjustments and Firm Movements

One of the top-ranked firms in the 2024 NLJ 500 is DLA Piper. DLA Piper has gone on to surpass Baker McKenzie with an overall 7.2% increase in headcount. Baker McKenzie, on the other hand, saw a 4.6% decline.

Firms like Kirkland & Ellis, Latham & Watkins, and Norton Rose Fulbright maintained their positions in the top tier. Hogan Lovells and Sidley Austin made notable gains, displacing competitors such as White & Case and Morgan, Lewis & Bockius.

Some midsize firms managed to see significant fluctuations in their headcounts. Some firms like Woods Rogers saw a 56% surge after growth through mergers and strategic expansions. However, Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis faced challenges, leading to a 25.6% reduction in headcount and eventual dissolution.

Market Dynamics and Regional Insights

Geographical markets like New York, Washington D.C., and California saw a significant growth in their prominence for the legal sector. This comes with a modest increase in attorney headcounts made possible through minor shifts, seeing states like New Jersey climbing to the top 10, outperforming Ohio.

Mergers and firms have influenced market dynamics significantly. Increased merger and acquisition activity in 2023 reshaped firm rankings, with smaller and midsize firms leveraging consolidation to enhance market position.

However, closures like those made by Stroock & Stroock & Lavan highlighted the challenges faced by some longstanding firms amidst evolving market conditions.

Integration of New Information

The integration of the latest insights from the 2024 NLJ 500 reveals key factors shaping the legal industry. There is a great emphasis on growth, as highlighted by the growth trajectories of regional dynamics, and strategic shifts in firm rankings underscore the resilience and adaptability of U.S. law firms post-pandemic.

As more law firms continue to try to navigate any and all ongoing challenges and opportunities, the NLJ 500 remains a key resource for both stakeholders and potential lawyers who seek a range to gauge industrial trends and firm performance.

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