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Krispy Kreme Appoints Atiba Adams as New Chief Legal Officer

Atiba Adams will join Krispy Kreme as Chief Legal Officer on June 25, 2024, bringing over two decades of legal experience from companies like Mars, Pfizer, and Bausch + Lomb.

Krispy Kreme, Inc. has announced the forthcoming appointment of Atiba Adams as its Chief Legal Officer, a position he will assume on June 25, 2024. Adams' extensive legal career, spanning over two decades, has been marked by his tenure at notable companies including Mars, Pfizer, and Bausch + Lomb, where he held the role of Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel.

Adams' appointment comes as part of Krispy Kreme's broader strategy to strengthen its leadership team. He will be directly reporting to Josh Charlesworth, the President and Chief Executive Officer of the company. Charlesworth, in his statement, acknowledged Adams' comprehensive expertise in legal matters within public companies and his specific knowledge of the confectionery industry.

"Atiba's strong, global legal background, public company experience, and expertise in the sweet treat industry make him a great addition to the team," Charlesworth remarked. He expressed his eagerness to collaborate with Adams, emphasizing the shared goal of propelling Krispy Kreme to new heights.

For his part, Adams shared his enthusiasm about the new role, recognizing Krispy Kreme as a brand with a storied history and significant potential for growth. "I am thrilled to join Krispy Kreme, an iconic global brand with tremendous growth opportunity. I look forward to partnering with the Global Leadership Team and contributing to the company's continued success," he stated.

Adams holds a B.A. in Political Science from Millersville University of Pennsylvania and a J.D. from North Carolina Central University School of Law. His upcoming role at Krispy Kreme will be based at the company's headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina, where he is expected to play a pivotal role in navigating the legal complexities of the global market and supporting the company's expansion initiatives.

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