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Quantifying the Value of In-Demand Skillsets: an AI Case Study

PwC's study reveals legal professionals with AI skills could see a significant increase in earnings, with potential wage premiums up to 49% in the US and 27% in the UK.

Quantifying the Value of In-Demand Skillsets: an AI Case Study

(Image courtesy of PwC 2024 AI Jobs Barometer study) 

PwC Study Findings

study conducted by PwC has found that lawyers equipped with AI skills could see a considerable increase in their earnings, with potential wage premiums of up to 49% in the United States and 27% in the United Kingdom.

AI roles are not only highly paid but also expected to increase in demand. As AI continues to integrate into various industries, the need for skilled professionals will only grow, further elevating compensation levels​. PwC's report supports these findings by delving into the influence of AI on labor productivity, suggesting that it could lead to economic growth, higher wages, and improved living standards, especially in sectors with high AI penetration.

In the UK, law firms are progressively developing AI capabilities. Innovations such as Harvey and generative AI platforms like ChatGPT have sparked considerable interest among legal professionals. Despite this surge in AI adoption, the full impact on the market remains to be seen, particularly in how firms will leverage AI in transactional and litigation work.

This growing demand translates to higher salaries and better job security for those with AI expertise. Legal professionals with expertise in AI are also valuable for their ability to navigate the ethical and compliance challenges associated with AI deployment, such as avoiding algorithmic bias and ensuring compliance with evolving regulations.

Looking At The Numbers

The emergence of new roles such as AI ethicists, data scientists, and AI system architects further illustrates the evolving job landscape. These roles will require a combination of technical know-how, industry knowledge, and ethical understanding. Within established legal roles - Corporate Counsel positions for instance - we find open roles requiring AI expertise can offer annual salaries ranging from $145,000 to $175,000, with top positions at major companies like Pfizer offering between $173,000 and $289,000 per year​. 

In contrast, the average salary for Corporate Counsel positions without AI expertise typically falls between $131,064 and $193,896, according to Payscale; with an average of $131,000 annually, and a range from $87,000 to $188,000. Indeed provides a higher range, from $100,012 to $245,592, with an average base salary of $156,724​. 

Legal technologists and data analysts, roles increasingly in demand due to AI integration, also command higher salaries compared to traditional paralegal roles. Legal paraprofessionals specializing in AI can expect salaries on the higher end, typically ranging between $60,000 and $85,000 annually, depending on their specific role and level of experience. These positions often involve tasks such as managing AI tools for legal research, document automation, and predictive analysis, which are in high demand due to the efficiency and accuracy improvements they offer​(Built In)​. On the other hand, legal paraprofessionals without AI expertise typically earn between $40,000 and $60,000 annually. This range can vary based on location, years of experience, and specific duties such as general legal research, document preparation, and administrative support​ (NALA)​.

AI tools are expected to automate routine tasks such as document review, contract analysis, and legal research, traditionally performed by junior lawyers and paralegals. This automation allows senior lawyers to take on more high-level problem-solving and strategic work, potentially increasing their value and compensation within their firms​​.


The report emphasizes the fast-changing skill requirements in AI-exposed occupations and the associated labor productivity growth. For legal professionals, this means that staying abreast of AI developments is not just beneficial but essential for career advancement and success.

In summary, legal professionals with AI-related experience can expect a significant increase in compensation compared to their counterparts without such expertise. This increase is driven by the transformative impact AI is having on the legal industry, improving efficiency and allowing legal professionals to focus on more strategic tasks. It is imperative for governments and educational institutions to play a pivotal role in promoting AI skills development. Investments in AI education and training will be crucial for preparing a workforce capable of meeting the demands of an AI-driven economy.

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