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Amazon Legal Department Sees Strategic Shift in Leadership Roles

Amazon's GC, David Zapolsky, has redistributed some of his duties to Mark Hoffman to streamline his focus on global public policy. Michael Deal has transitioned to AGC for Global Media and Entertainment.

In the dynamic realm of corporate law, even the most robust legal departments of the world's leading companies are subject to change. Amazon.com Inc.'s General Counsel, David Zapolsky, is a case in point. With a sprawling legal department to oversee, Zapolsky has recently redistributed some of his duties to Mark Hoffman, a colleague at the e-commerce behemoth.

Hoffman, who has an impressive track record as the former Chair of the public company and corporate governance practice at DLA Piper, assumed the role of Corporate Secretary for Amazon in January. This transition of responsibilities from Zapolsky, who served in the role for over ten years, aligns with his new focus on global public policy—a domain he took the helm of at Amazon last year.

This strategic delegation appears to be a move to streamline Zapolsky's expansive portfolio. The change coincides with another significant shift within the legal team. Michael Deal, an Amazon veteran since 1999 and a former Associate at Perkins Coie, transitioned to Associate General Counsel for Global Media and Entertainment. In this capacity, Deal now manages legal, regulatory, and compliance matters for Amazon's extensive media and entertainment holdings, including Amazon MGM Studios, Amazon Music, Amazon Games, and acquisitions such as Wondery and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc.

Deal's previous tenure included a focus on Amazon’s Whole Foods grocery chain, which the company acquired for $13.7B, as well as mergers and acquisitions, payments, real estate, ESG, and corporate governance. His leadership facilitated Amazon's legal strategies in real estate, M&A, and corporate securities and governance.

These shifts within Amazon's legal hierarchy underscore the company's approach to managing its vast portfolio of services and assets. As Amazon continues to expand into new territories, the legal team's adaptability remains a critical component of the company's overarching strategy.

For legal professionals observing from the sidelines, the moves within Amazon's legal department are a testament to the fluid nature of corporate law and the necessity for continuous realignment to meet evolving business needs.

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