Legal Industry Adds 2700 jobs in February

The U.S. Department of Labor Statistics report shows growth in the sector, while job seekers continue to face a challenging environment.

Legal Industry Adds 2700 jobs in February

The US legal sector added 2,700 jobs last month according to new data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, with total employment in the legal industry reaching 1,192,600 jobs in February.

This figure shows positive momentum, with the sector approaching its record high of 1,193,500 jobs reported in December. This trend is indicative of the resilience and adaptability of the legal sector in the face of economic fluctuations and evolving market demands.

A Robust Job Market But Challenging Candidate Environment

The U.S. Labor Department reported that there were 11.3 million available jobs last month, matching January’s figure and just below December’s record of 11.4 million. The number of Americans quitting their jobs was also historically high, at 4.4 million. 

While the jobs data looks positive at face value, layoff announcements have continued, and many legal professionals find themselves facing longer unemployment gaps compared to previous economic cycles. Economic uncertainties and fears of a recession still dominate board rooms across the country, and lead companies to be cautious in hiring. 

Companies have also trimmed their talent acquisition teams, leading to fewer people managing job postings and responding to applicants.

The Shift in Legal Services Demand

The legal industry may be in a greater state of transition today than at any time since the end of the Great Financial Crisis of 2008-11. The market has shifted dramatically in what types of legal services are most in demand. 

According to the 2024 Report on the State of the U.S. Legal Market, the legal industry is shifting towards a state where the majority of growth in demand for law firm services has relied on counter-cyclical practices like litigation, bankruptcy, and labor & employment.

The Challenge of Rising Rates and Realization

The report also highlights the rapid increase in the pace of law firm rate growth, particularly over the past few years. In 2023, the rates clients agreed to pay law firms for new work matters grew by more than 6%, with every segment of law firms seeing aggressive increases in worked rates. However, many law firms have seen their realization — their ability to collect on those increasing rates — falter.

The Outlook for 2024

The general outlook for 2024 remains positive, as corporate work is expected to rebound slightly. Among corporate general counsel, 40% expect to increase outside legal spend, while only 22% expect it to decrease. Logo
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