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Zoom Welcomes Cheree McAlpine as New Chief Legal Officer

Zoom Video Communications appoints Cheree McAlpine as CLO, marking the end of a four-year period with an interim leader at the helm of its legal department.

Zoom Welcomes Cheree McAlpine as New Chief Legal Officer

Zoom Video Communications appointed of Cheree McAlpine as its new Chief Legal Officer (CLO), a role that had been temporarily filled by Aparna Bawa since 2020. McAlpine, a seasoned Silicon Valley professional with over two decades of experience, steps into the position with a rich background in the tech industry.

McAlpine's career trajectory includes significant legal roles at various technology companies. Before her recent tenure at Intercom as General Counsel, she served as the legal chief at Lumileds, and prior to that, she held the Americas General Counsel position at Avnet. Notably, her leadership at Wyse Technology led to a successful acquisition by Dell, a deal valued at approximately $1 billion.

Her earlier years at Sun Microsystems laid the foundation for a career marked by escalating responsibilities and a keen focus on the intersection of law and technology. McAlpine's in-house journey at Sun Microsystems spanned eight years, during which she honed her skills in navigating complex legal landscapes.

The CLO role at Zoom had been in a state of flux following the departure of Jeff True, who left the company without announcing a subsequent position. Bawa, who had stepped in as interim CLO while also serving as Chief Operating Officer, saw her compensation reach $28 million in 2022, reflecting her dual responsibilities.

In a conversation with Law.com, McAlpine expressed her eagerness to learn from Bawa and emphasized the importance of maintaining a legal team that is both engaged and supportive of Zoom's business objectives. She highlighted her commitment to employee well-being and the need to foster a collaborative environment within the legal department.

Despite Zoom's integral role in enabling remote work during the pandemic, McAlpine intends to prioritize in-office collaboration to better serve the company's needs. She underscores the value of face-to-face interactions in her approach to leading the legal team.

Zoom, headquartered in San Jose, California, became a household name during the pandemic, as its video conferencing solutions became essential for businesses worldwide. As the company continues to evolve, McAlpine's leadership is anticipated to play a pivotal role in navigating the legal complexities of the ever-changing tech landscape.

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