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Community Discussion: How has the shift to remote work models impacted your legal operations, and what strategies have you implemented to adapt?

Legal Operations professionals discuss what changes have occurred in their legal department since implementing a remote work model.

Community Discussion: How has the shift to remote work models impacted your legal operations, and what strategies have you implemented to adapt?

(Author) Legal Operations Director:

We recently starting a remote work model and are still working out the kinks. How has the shift to remote work models impacted your legal operations, and what strategies have you implemented to adapt?

Legal Operations Responses:

  • The biggest shift for us was moving all our files to cloud-based systems. It was a challenge at first, but now our team can access everything they need from anywhere.
  • We've had to place a bigger emphasis on cybersecurity with the remote model. We implemented two-factor authentication and regular IT security training for our team.
  • Communication was initially a hurdle. We now have weekly virtual team meetings and daily check-ins, which have really helped keep everyone connected and on track.
  • Adapting our workflow to a remote environment required rethinking our processes. We've automated several routine tasks, which has increased efficiency significantly.
  • We faced challenges in maintaining team morale. So, we started virtual coffee breaks and informal catch-ups, which have helped maintain the team spirit.
  • Training new staff remotely has been a challenge. We created a comprehensive digital onboarding process with virtual mentorship to help new hires adapt.
  • Our document signing processes had to change. We shifted to electronic signatures, which actually sped up our contract execution process.
  • We've had to be more flexible with working hours, considering the different time zones and personal commitments of our team members.
  • Ensuring access to legal databases and resources remotely was key. We've subscribed to more online legal libraries and resources.
  • Maintaining client confidentiality remotely has been a top priority. We've reinforced policies on handling confidential information in a home environment.
  • Remote work increased the risk of burnout, so we've introduced mandatory 'offline hours' where no work-related communication is allowed.
  • We use more collaborative tools now, like shared online workspaces, which has helped in project management and keeping track of ongoing matters.
  • Our focus has been on maintaining a sense of normalcy. We continue to hold our regular all-hands meetings and annual legal team offsites, albeit virtually.
  • We had to update our policies and guidelines to cater to remote work, especially around data protection and employee conduct outside the office.
  • The shift forced us to become more proactive in checking in on our team’s well-being. We’ve implemented regular mental health check-ins and support services.

Give us your response and be a part of the discussion.

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