Belgium to Push European Blockchain Network During EU Council Presidency

The European Blockchain Services Infrastructure, a project that began in 2018, could position the EU as a leader in blockchain technology.

Belgium to Push European Blockchain Network During EU Council Presidency

Belgium is set to take on the presidency of the EU Council in January, and the country's digital minister, Mathieu Michel, has said that he plans to use this opportunity to push for an EU-wide blockchain initiative.

Michel told CoinDesk in an interview that he wants to gather political support for the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI), a project that began in 2018 as a technical pilot. EBSI is designed to be a secure and interoperable blockchain platform that can be used by governments and businesses across the EU.

A Leader in Blockchain Technology

"We have a unique opportunity to make Europe a leader in blockchain technology," Michel said. "EBSI can help us to create a more efficient and transparent public sector, and it can also boost innovation in the private sector."

Michel's vision for EBSI is ambitious. He hopes that the platform could eventually be used to store and share a wide range of data, including official documents such as driving licenses and property titles. He also believes that EBSI could be used to improve cross-border cooperation between EU member states.

Consensus Still an Issue

However, there are still some challenges that need to be addressed before EBSI can be rolled out on a wider scale. One challenge is that there is no consensus among EU member states on how the platform should be governed. Another challenge is that there are concerns about the privacy and security of data stored on a blockchain.

Michel is confident that these challenges can be overcome. He said that he is already in talks with several EU member states about EBSI, and he is optimistic that he can build a broad coalition of support for the project.

"I believe that EBSI is a game-changer for Europe," Michel said. "It has the potential to revolutionize the way we do business and the way we interact with our governments. I am determined to make it a success."

Potential Impact

The development of a European blockchain network could have a significant impact on the EU's economy and society. Blockchain technology has the potential to improve efficiency, transparency, and security in a wide range of sectors, from healthcare to finance.

If EBSI is successful, it could make Europe a global leader in blockchain technology. It could also help strengthen the EU's digital single market and boost the bloc's competitiveness in the global economy.

The EU is not the only region that is exploring the potential of blockchain technology. China, the United States, and other countries are also investing heavily in this area. However, the EU has a number of advantages, such as its large and well-educated population, its strong regulatory framework, and its track record of innovation. Logo
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