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Timothy S. Bedard, Former Visa Legal Head, Joins CNX as Executive VP & General Counsel

CNX Resources Corporation Appoints Former Visa Legal Head Timothy S. Bedard as Executive VP & General Counsel

Timothy S. Bedard, Former Visa Legal Head, Joins CNX as Executive VP & General Counsel

CNX Resources Corporation welcomes Timothy S. Bedard as its newly appointed Executive Vice President, General Counsel, & Corporate Secretary. Bedard has an extensive legal and intellectual property (IP) background, showcasing expertise and experience. 

Timothy S. Bedard joins CNX Resources Corporation after a notable tenure at Visa, where he held multiple crucial positions contributing significantly to the company's legal and intellectual property landscape. His time at Visa spanned across key roles such as Head of Legal for Visa's Value Added Services, VP - Chief IP Counsel, and VP/Associate General Counsel, IP. Bedard's leadership and expertise guided Visa's Value Added Services and steered the company's intellectual property counsel for several years.

Before his association with Visa, Bedard spent a decade steering IP strategy across Johnson & Johnson's medical device operating companies. His journey began as an IP litigator at Kirkpatrick & Lockhart (now K&L Gates LLP). Notably, before delving into the legal realm, Bedard served as an officer in the U.S. Navy. His academic credentials include a BS in Industrial Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh, a Juris Doctor from the Duquesne University School of Law, and an MBA from Yale.

The inclusion of Timothy S. Bedard within CNX Resources Corporation's executive management team has generated excitement and anticipation. Nick DeIuliis, President and CEO of CNX, shared his enthusiasm, expressing the company's eagerness to welcome Timothy to their already skilled executive team at CNX.

Bedard's profound expertise in IP and technology, coupled with his extensive experience collaborating with management teams, is poised to propel CNX's New Tech business opportunities. His appointment aligns seamlessly with the company's ongoing execution of a sustainable business model.

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