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Community Discussion: How do you approach succession planning within your legal team to ensure continuity and retain institutional knowledge?

Legal Operations professionals weigh in on how to talk about succession planning within a legal team.

Community Discussion: How do you approach succession planning within your legal team to ensure continuity and retain institutional knowledge?

(Author) Legal Operations Manager:

I just put in my notice, but I'm giving my team three months of notice so they can find a replacement. How do you approach succession planning within your legal team to ensure continuity and retain institutional knowledge?

Legal Operations Responses:

  • We’ve started a shadowing program. Junior lawyers are paired with more experienced team members on projects. It's a great way for them to gain experience and for us to prepare for future transitions. It also means if someone has to be gone for an extended amount of time, then at least one member can pick up the slack. 
    • Shadowing is a great start. We also document key processes and decisions in a central knowledge repository. It’s accessible to all team members, ensuring that critical information and methods aren’t lost.
    • Yeah, we do similar things! In our team, we focus heavily on cross-training. Each lawyer is trained in multiple areas, not just their specialization. It helps in unexpected absences and prepares them for future leadership roles.
  • Has anyone tried formal succession planning with defined timelines? We're considering it, but I'm curious about how rigid or flexible the timelines should be. I don't want to stress my team out more than they already are.
  • We do annual talent reviews where we identify potential leaders and map out their development plans. This includes special projects, leadership training, and rotations in different areas. It ties into our annual performance reviews anyways.
  • Engaging external consultants for leadership development has been our approach. They bring an outside perspective and help identify potential future leaders we might overlook.
  • We use a mix of internal training and external courses, especially for soft skills like leadership and management. Technical knowledge is important, but so are these skills for succession planning. Make sure you focus on this in your training! 
  • Succession planning in our department is part of broader career development conversations. We make it a point to discuss career aspirations during performance reviews and give people a chance to voice what their passions are.
  • We’ve found success in giving junior team members the opportunity to lead small projects or initiatives. It gives them a taste of leadership and helps us assess their readiness for more significant roles.
    • Yeah, okay! We have something similar. We’ve started involving junior lawyers in strategic meetings and decision-making processes. We want everyone to understand (and be a part of) the strategic direction and ethos of the legal team.
  • One approach we've taken is to create 'specialist roles' within the team. Each member becomes a go-to person for a particular area of law. They’re responsible for training others in this area, which aids in knowledge transfer. We did run into an issue early on when we started this though. People were getting "married" to their particular special knowledge, so we had to make sure everyone knew why we were creating specialist roles. Keep this in mind if you end up using it! 
  • We've incorporated succession planning into our risk management strategy. It's seen as a risk to not have a succession plan, so we just regularly review and update our plans.
  • Our firm hosts regular 'legacy meetings' where senior lawyers discuss past cases and experiences. These aren't just technical debriefs, but also discussions on strategy, negotiation tactics, and client management experiences. It also gives everyone a chance to voice how they are feeling about processes and policies on a regular basis.

Give us your response and be a part of the discussion.

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