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Over 90 Law Firms Pledge to Foster Inclusivity for Lawyers with Disabilities

Law firms pledge inclusivity as “21% of the workforce identifies as having a disability, but only 1.4% of lawyers do.”

Over 90 Law Firms Pledge to Foster Inclusivity for Lawyers with Disabilities

Over 90 law firms have pledged their commitment to creating a more inclusive profession for lawyers with disabilities. This initiative marks a significant step towards ensuring equal opportunities and fostering diversity in the legal field.

The participating law firms have collectively pledged to take proactive steps to create a more inclusive environment for lawyers with disabilities, such as implementing disability-friendly policies, providing necessary accommodations, and promoting awareness about disability inclusion within their organizations.

The initiative for companies to focus on disability inclusion stems from the Mansfield Rule’s primary objective of tackling the underrepresentation of disabled lawyers in the legal field, according to Diversity Lab CEO Caren Ulrich Stacy in a discussion.

“Twenty-one percent of the workforce identifies as having a disability, but only 1.4% of lawyers do,” Ulrich Stacy said. “Maybe it’s because we haven’t created a culture of inclusivity, so people are not identifying as having a disability—we want to change that dynamic. We want people to feel valued and seen in the same way as everyone else and have equal access to opportunities.”

The Need for Inclusion

The legal profession has long been criticized for its lack of diversity and inclusivity. Lawyers with disabilities often face numerous challenges, including physical barriers, attitudinal biases, and a lack of understanding about their capabilities. This initiative aims to address these issues and create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all lawyers.

That goal is contingent on creating a more inclusive environment that allows attorneys to feel comfortable identifying their disabilities to their firms, however. “Until we create a culture of inclusivity, lawyers are not going to want to be visible as having a disability until they feel accepted,” Ulrich Stacy said.

Impact on the Legal Profession

This commitment by over 90 law firms is expected to have a profound impact on the legal profession. It sends a strong message to the industry about the importance of diversity and inclusion. Moreover, it sets a precedent for other firms and legal institutions to follow, potentially leading to widespread changes in the industry.

Moving Forward

While this pledge is a significant step forward, it is just the beginning. The participating law firms must now follow through on their commitments and implement the necessary changes. Moreover, the legal profession as a whole must continue to strive for inclusivity and diversity, ensuring that all lawyers, regardless of their disabilities, have the opportunity to succeed.

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