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Community Discussion: BigLaw salary bumps make me a bit bitter about going in-house. Anyone else?

In-house Counsel talk about the salary wars in BigLaw and how that affects them now.

Community Discussion: BigLaw salary bumps make me a bit bitter about going in-house. Anyone else?

(Author) Associate

BigLaw salary bumps make me a bit bitter about going in-house. Anyone else?

In-house Counsel Responses: 

  • Over like $10,000 -$20,000 or so pre-tax? Really? I'm in BigLaw now and I've never been so miserable in my life for so long.
  • I ain't ever going back.
  • Honestly, no. The hourly math for BigLaw hours and the mental tax I associate with being constantly on call in a way that I’m not in-house means the salary doesn’t feel too great to me. But if I were working BigLaw hours or had BigLaw responsiveness requirements, I would probably be annoyed.
  • No.
  • There’s no amount of money that’s worth my mental health.
  • Yes, but only because our company is being cheap on pay increases and bonuses acting like they are going to have to start paying in food stamps despite profit growth year over year.
    • Do we work at the same place? LOL!
  • I came here to post this. I can’t help but get a bit furious seeing 1-2 year attorneys making $250,000 - $300,000. Now, that being said, there’s no way in hell I’d ever go back to BigLaw. I enjoy clocking in at 9 and out before 5 and turning my phone off all weekend. But something about being paid like a 3rd year when I have 10+ years of experience is disheartening. Especially knowing it’s not so much that I’m a bit underpaid for my experience, it’s that they’re so grotesquely overpaid for their lack of it. It’s a trade off I’ll have to live with (back to my afternoon nap)!😴
    • 💯
  • Sometimes, but then I remember that I’ve lost 30 lbs, get eight hours of sleep, and have been on more trips in the past year than in the last five combined.
  • I couldn't care less what BigLaw makes. I have weekends. #noregrets.
  • I make the old first year Cravath salary but I see my kids every night, am not expected to work nights or weekends, will receive nearly six figure bonuses and am treated incredibly well. I may not be flying first class, but life is good.
    • Sounds like you’re flying first class in life, my friend!
  • I left BigLaw right before the pandemic hit. Missed all the bonuses and raises that came along with it. My friends that stayed have never been more miserable in their lives and debated quitting the entire time. They said the money wasn’t worth the hell that came with it. I’m happy with my decision. These raises shouldn’t have you too fired up.
  • Pshhh. Whatever. I’ll be spending my extra $9,000 post-tax on...who am I kidding? I need to get out of here.
    • Yeah. Same.
  • Definitely not an enticing idea for me to go back to BigLaw, but to each their own. Be realistic with yourself about hiring prospects, though. It's a tough market and firms have been conducting major layoffs. Despite the raises, it's not the market it was 2-3 years ago, so landing an offer will be hard regardless.
  • The money certainly looks good, but as I'm sure you remember, salary increases and bonuses typically come with a related expectation that you hit hours to justify that money. The idea of walking back into that environment, especially at a partnership or near partnership level, sounds brutal to me. Even if the money is really good.
    • It's more that there's been years of raises where in-house hasn't kept pace. The cumulative impact of that means they are likely looking at making $100k-$200k more at a firm. Going back starts looking extra appealing when in-house raises didn't keep up with inflation, leaving more people poorer in real terms.
  • I'd rather be paid a little less than stressed. Do you have any hobbies outside of work?
  • As someone still at a firm: the grass is not greener. Firms are stealth firing people, clients are no paying their bills or cutting like crazy, and all the people you left - well, they are either dead, near dead, recently had a heart attack or still doing things we don't talk about in public (e.g., bumps, lines, the neighbor, the cosmetic surgeon, the convention friend, contemplating jumping from the roof, etc.). LOL. Seriously, think long and hard about any decision and do what is right for you! Good luck and DM me if you leave so I can apply for your job. 

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