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Community Discussion: How do you educate non-legal staff about important legal issues and compliance requirements that impact their work?

Legal Operations professionals talk about helping non-legal staff understand legal and compliance issues.

Community Discussion: How do you educate non-legal staff about important legal issues and compliance requirements that impact their work?

(Author) Head of Legal Operations:

We constantly run into issues where non-legal employees don't really know the reasoning around our work. We typically deal with this by explaining one-off tasks and reasoning. - How do you educate non-legal staff about important legal issues and compliance requirements that impact their work?

Legal Operations Responses:

  • We've introduced a series of 'Legal Basics' workshops for our non-legal staff. They cover key topics for our business and industry like contract essentials, data protection, and workplace compliance. Making these sessions interactive and relatable has really helped in engagement and checking for understanding.
    • That's a solid approach. We've incorporated e-learning modules into our onboarding process. Since we are in tech, these modules are designed to be industry-specific and updated regularly with any regulatory changes.
  • E-learning is great for scalability. We also use a newsletter to keep staff updated on legal developments. It’s brief, jargon-free, and focuses on how these changes impact their day-to-day work. Plus we have a little section in it that tells you a little bit about new hires so everyone can have some sort of introduction.
  • Has anyone tried gamification? We're exploring gamified learning experiences for compliance training. The idea is to make learning about legal issues more engaging and memorable.
  • We found success in integrating legal training into regular team meetings. Short, focused discussions on relevant legal topics during these meetings seem to resonate well.
  • We regularly collaborate with department heads to tailor the legal training to their specific needs. It’s about making the legal aspects as relevant and practical as possible for each department.
  • Collaboration is imperative in this initiative. We encourage our legal team to host ‘legal office hours’ where other department members can drop in and ask legal questions. This open-door policy has been effective in building a legal-aware culture and it also helps employees to put faces to names!
  • We’ve combined traditional workshops with quick-reference guides and FAQs available on our intranet. These resources help non-legal staff access legal information quickly and easily.
  • Our challenge has been getting staff to prioritize legal training. We’ve started integrating legal aspects into broader business training sessions to ensure wider reach and relevance.
  • In our fast-paced environment, we use microlearning - short, focused training modules delivered frequently. It keeps the team updated without overwhelming them.
  • We've had some success with role-play scenarios during training. It allows non-legal staff to experience real-life situations where legal issues may arise, making the learning process more engaging and practical. For the most part, it can be pretty fun too! 
  • In healthcare, compliance is critical. We host regular 'Compliance Clinics' where we discuss scenarios specific to our industry. The goal is making legal and compliance issues tangible and relevant to their everyday roles.
  • We've integrated legal training into our project management tools. For instance, when a team starts a new project, they receive automated briefings on relevant legal and compliance aspects through the project management system.
  • Engagement is a constant challenge. We've started incorporating legal topics into our regular staff newsletters and have seen good engagement. Keeping the language simple and directly relevant to their roles has been key.
  • For us, regular, informal Q&A sessions have been effective. We invite staff to discuss their concerns and questions about legal matters. It’s a more relaxed setting that encourages open conversation and learning.

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