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Legal.io Webinar Series: Atlassian's AI-Driven Legal Approach

In our recent webinar, distinguished legal trailblazers convened to delve into the various routes leading to leadership positions in legal operations. This enlightening session empowered participants with crucial tools, strategies, and perspectives to unleash their leadership capabilities and thrive within corporate in-house legal departments.

Legal.io Webinar Series: Atlassian's AI-Driven Legal Approach

Watch on Legal.io's YouTube Channel!

For those who missed the live event or wish to revisit the insightful discussions, the on-demand version of the webinar is now available. Click here to watch our Atlassian's AI-Driven Legal Approach webinar!

Legal.io Webinar: Atlassian's AI-Driven Legal Approach

Legal.io facilitated a stimulating conversation featuring Lo Lu, Director of Privacy, Legal Workforce; Anna Jaffe, Director of Regulatory Affairs & Ethics; and Julia Shu, Director of Privacy, Data Platform & AI/ML.



  • Lo Lu: Director of Privacy, Legal Workforce
    Lo emphasized Atlassian's growth over the past three years, prompting a proactive approach to anticipate challenges and adhere to evolving AI laws. She highlighted the importance of adaptation for in-house counsels to align with the current state and future goals of their business, ultimately driving value.

  • Anna Jaffe: Director of Regulatory Affairs & Ethics
    Anna stressed the need for a tailored approach, emphasizing the focus on outcomes over a one-size-fits-all strategy. Atlassian translated universal AI principles into a framework that fits their organizational context, promoting collaborative decision-making.

  • Julia Shu: Director of Privacy, Data Platform & AI/ML
    Julia provided insights into embedding responsible tech considerations into product development early on. She highlighted the significance of privacy by design and urged teams to proactively integrate responsible tech principles during the development lifecycle. Julia emphasized that it's more efficient to instill these considerations from the beginning, fostering collaboration with business teams to ensure responsible tech is a proactive consideration, not just a box-ticking exercise at the end.


Key Takeaways:

Our panelists provided deep insights into navigating the dynamic landscape of responsible AI practices and legal strategies at Atlassian.

  • Proactive Adaptation: Atlassian's growth prompted a proactive stance, anticipating challenges and aligning with evolving AI laws.
  • Tailored Approach: Responsible tech practices aren't one-size-fits-all. Tailor strategies to your company's unique values, growth, and distributed work environment.
  • Privacy by Design: Importance of embedding responsible tech principles early in the product development lifecycle. Privacy considerations should be integrated from the outset rather than retroactively.
  • Collaborative Decision-Making: Building partnerships and trust with cross-functional stakeholders is crucial for successful operational strategies. Engage in collaborative decision-making, gaining insights directly from other departments.
  • Adaptive Mindset: The need for an adaptive mindset, and understanding the business's current state and future goals. This adaptive approach ensures ongoing support and value addition.
  • Outcomes Over Processes: Focus on outcomes rather than specific processes. Translate universal AI principles into a framework that aligns with the organization's goals, fostering a drive towards the right outcomes.


Click here to watch Legal.io Series: Atlassian's AI-Driven Legal Approach

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