Webinar Series: Legal Operations & the Path to Leadership

In our recent webinar, esteemed legal professionals came together to explore the diverse pathways to leadership roles in legal operations. This transformative session equipped participants with essential tools, strategies, and insights to unlock their leadership potential and excel within corporate in-house legal departments. The dynamic discussion provided a retrospective examination of successful approaches that have since inspired and guided attendees in their professional journeys. Webinar Series: Legal Operations & the Path to Leadership

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For those who missed the live event or wish to revisit the insightful discussions, the on-demand version of the webinar is now available. Click here to watch our Legal Operations & the Path to Leadership webinar! Webinar: Legal Operations & the Path to Leadership hosted a thought-provoking discussion with Deisha Vazquez, Director of Legal Operations at Zelis and Danielle Horton, Director of Legal Operations & Advisory at Global Endowment Management.


  • Deisha Vazquez: Director of Legal Operations @ Zelis
    Deisha the crucial skills needed in legal operations—adaptability, communication, and leadership; the value of translating legal complexities for non-legal stakeholders, fostering relationships, and aligning legal processes with business objectives.

  • Danielle Horton, Director of Legal Operations & Advisory @ Global Endowment Management
    Danielle the evolving role of legal operations. and the need for balancing legal expertise with operational skills, embracing technology, and actively pursuing personal growth through certifications, education, and community engagement.

Key Takeaways:

  • Legal Operations Skills: Emphasis on adaptability, communication, and leadership skills in legal operations.
  • Translation of Legal Complexities: the importance of translating legal complexities for non-legal stakeholders to align with business goals.
  • Community Engagement: the significance of engaging in legal operations communities, webinars, and networking for continuous learning.
  • Operational Focus: the need for a strong operational focus in legal operations, combining legal backgrounds with technology and process improvement.
  • Continuous Learning: Pursuit of certifications, formal education, and constant learning is crucial for personal and professional growth in legal operations.
  • Networking and Mentorship: Building connections, finding mentors, and being part of intentional communities are vital for skill development and career progression.
  • Patience and Reflection: Acknowledging the importance of patience and self-reflection in the journey of skill development and career advancement.
  • Balancing Legal and Operational Skills: Finding a balance between legal expertise and operational skills is key in the dynamic field of legal operations.


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