Community Discussion: How do you facilitate effective collaboration between the legal department and other business units?

Legal Operations professionals discuss how to create effective collaboration between departments and individuals.

Community Discussion: How do you facilitate effective collaboration between the legal department and other business units?

(Author) Senior Legal Operations Lead:

We have run into a few minor incidents lately in which the culprit has been poor communication between us (legal) and another department. I really don't want this to happen again and cause a huge problem. - How do you facilitate effective collaboration between the legal department and other business units?

Legal Operations Responses:

  • Great question! We've found regular cross-departmental meetings essential to our success. It's not just about sharing updates but also understanding challenges faced by other departments. It's helped us tailor our legal advice to be more practical and business-oriented.
    • Absolutely agree with the meetings. We also use a shared project management tool, which has been a game-changer. It helps everyone stay on the same page regarding ongoing projects, deadlines, and responsibilities. I've noticed it also helps people to understand how long any one part of a project takes which is great for recognizing realistic timelines from start to finish.
  • Cross-departmental workshops have worked wonders for us. We bring in people from finance, marketing, etc., to discuss potential legal implications in their areas. If I can make sure other departments can understand a baseline of what is expected of them from a legal standpoint, then they are much more prepared by the time they bring it up to counsel in the future.
  • It's all about relationship building in my experience. I make it a point to have informal catch-ups with other department heads regularly. Understanding their objectives and concerns helps bridge gaps that formal meetings sometimes can't. It also does wonders for seeing the people behind the projects; which is crucial to a good working environment.
  • Have any of you faced resistance from other departments? We sometimes struggle with getting buy-in for joint initiatives.
    • Yes, resistance is common. We found success by clearly demonstrating how legal can add value – for example, by showcasing instances where early legal involvement saved costs or prevented risks.
      • We experienced similar challenges. Including key stakeholders in the planning phase of projects helped us. When they contribute to the roadmap, they're more invested in the collaboration.
  • Communication is key, but so is understanding. We've had our legal team members spend a day with other departments – like a mini-internship. It builds empathy and a better understanding of what each side deals with.
    • Love the 'mini-internship' idea! We're a small team, so understanding each other's challenges is crucial. Regular open forums where teams can discuss issues freely have been helpful for us.
  • These insights are great. I think fostering a culture of mutual respect and open communication is foundational for effective collaboration (no matter what plan you put in place). It's not always easy, but definitely worth the effort.
  • Another aspect we've focused on is educating other departments about basic legal concepts. I think someone else mentioned this already, or some iteration of it, but we hold quarterly training sessions. This helps demystify our work and makes collaborative conversations more productive.
  • I've found success in aligning legal objectives with business goals. For instance, when we discuss contracts, we frame our input not just in legal terms but also in terms of business impact. This approach has helped other departments see us as partners, not just as gatekeepers.
  • We’ve started involving team members from other departments in our legal meetings, especially for projects that require close collaboration. It's been effective in building a sense of teamwork and shared goals.
  • An interesting approach we took was to create a 'Legal Liaison' role within our team. This person's sole focus is to work with other departments, understand their needs, and communicate these back to our legal team. It's a dedicated effort to ensure continuous alignment.
  • I agree with the importance of understanding business objectives comment. We also encourage our legal team to participate in business strategy meetings. This not only ensures that legal considerations are factored in early but also allows our team to have a better grasp of the company's overall direction.

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