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Community Discussion: How do you stay informed and compliant with changing labor and employment laws, especially with remote and international workforces?

General Counsels talk about how they navigate complex and ever-changing labor and employment laws with differing workforces.

Community Discussion: How do you stay informed and compliant with changing labor and employment laws, especially with remote and international workforces?

(Author) Head of Legal:

I have a fully-distributed team across several timezones and we just hired our first international hires. How do you stay informed and compliant with changing labor and employment laws, especially with remote and international workforces?

General Counsel Responses:

  • It's a maze! We've hired local employment law experts in key regions to help navigate the specific legal landscapes.
  • We've implemented a centralized legal update system. Every change in law is logged and relevant teams are notified to ensure compliance.
  • We focus heavily on training. Both the HR and legal teams undergo regular sessions on the latest laws, especially regarding remote work.
  • It's a challenge, particularly with varying laws on remote work, data privacy, and employee rights. We've had to adapt policies frequently.
  • Big focus on diversity and inclusion here. We're aligning our global policies to be inclusive while respecting local laws. It's a balancing act.
  • We've started using AI tools to scan and summarize legal changes across different jurisdictions. It helps, but human oversight is key.
  • Risk assessment is crucial. We're regularly evaluating our employment practices against new laws to preempt any potential legal issues.
  • Risk assessment is crucial. We're regularly evaluating our employment practices against new laws to preempt any potential legal issues.
  • I'm working closely with our international offices to create a cohesive but flexible policy framework that adapts to local needs.
  • With remote work, data privacy laws are a big concern. We're constantly updating our IT and HR policies to stay compliant.

Give us your response and be a part of the discussion.

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