Community Discussion: How do you navigate antitrust and competition law issues in an increasingly globalized business environment?

General Counsels discuss the intricacies of antitrust and competition laws in a globalized economy.

Community Discussion: How do you navigate antitrust and competition law issues in an increasingly globalized business environment?

(Author) General Counsel & Corporate Secretary:

My company has decided to bring our business to two new countries next year that have extremely different antitrust and anti-competition laws than the US. How do you navigate antitrust and competition law issues in an increasingly globalized business environment? Finding it a tightrope walk here.

General Counsel Responses:

  • Definitely challenging. We've increased our focus on training programs, especially for our marketing and sales teams, to ensure understanding of these laws.
  • It's all about staying updated. I have a team dedicated to monitoring global antitrust developments and adjusting our strategies accordingly.
  • Just went through a merger, and the antitrust scrutiny was intense. We worked closely with local counsel in each jurisdiction to navigate the nuances.
  • In tech, these issues are a daily battle. We've been actively engaging with regulators to help shape policies that are fair and competitive.
  • We've instituted a compliance audit system. Random checks in different departments to ensure policies are being followed.
  • Antitrust is a huge concern, especially in acquisitions. We've been conducting rigorous internal reviews before pursuing any deals.
  • We're focusing on building better relationships with regulatory bodies. Understanding their perspectives can be crucial in shaping our strategies.
  • I've been working with the business development team to ensure our market strategies don't cross legal boundaries. It's a fine line between aggressive and illegal.
  • We recently had to revamp our compliance training. It's not just about knowing the law but understanding its application in day-to-day decisions.
  • Collaborating with industry peers has been insightful. We share non-sensitive best practices to ensure we all stay on the right side of the law.

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