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Fox Corporation Appoints Adam Ciongoli as Chief Legal and Policy Officer

Adam Ciongoli Assumes Role as Chief Legal and Policy Officer at Fox Corporation

Fox Corporation Appoints Adam Ciongoli as Chief Legal and Policy Officer

Fox Corporation, a leading media company known for its iconic domestic brands such as FOX News Media, FOX Sports, FOX Entertainment, FOX Television Stations, and Tubi Media Group, has announced the appointment of Adam Ciongoli as its new Chief Legal and Policy Officer. Ciongoli, who currently serves as Executive Vice President, General Counsel, and Chief Sustainability, Corporate Responsibility, and Governance Officer for Campbell Soup Company, will join Fox Corporation on December 1 of this year. His extensive legal experience in the public and private sectors makes him a valuable addition to the FOX executive leadership team.

As the Chief Legal and Policy Officer, Ciongoli will lead all legal, compliance, and regulatory matters for Fox Corporation. He will also oversee government affairs, ensuring the company maintains strong relationships with relevant authorities. Lachlan Murdoch, Executive Chair and Chief Executive Officer of Fox Corporation expressed his pleasure in welcoming Ciongoli to the team, highlighting his diverse legal experience and the value he will bring to the company.

Adam Ciongoli brings nearly 30 years of legal experience in both the public and private sectors to his new role at Fox Corporation. Before joining Campbell Soup Company, he served as the Executive Vice President and General Counsel of Lincoln Financial Group, a Fortune 250 insurance and financial services company. There, he successfully managed the resolution of a state investigation and played a key role in reducing annual legal and insurance spend. 

Prior to his time at Lincoln Financial Group, Ciongoli served as the Group General Counsel and Secretary for Willis Group Holdings, PLC, a global insurance brokerage and risk management company. He oversaw significant acquisitions, led negotiations, and managed regulatory relationships worldwide. Ciongoli also held the position of Senior Vice President and General Counsel for Time Warner Europe, where he negotiated regulatory clearance of transactions, including a joint venture with Microsoft.

Ciongoli's legal expertise extends to his time in government service. He served as Counselor to the Attorney General during John Ashcroft's tenure as Attorney General of the United States. In this role, he provided legal advice to both Ashcroft and President George W. Bush. Ciongoli also oversaw the successful transfer and integration of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.
Before his time at the Department of Justice, Ciongoli served as Chief Counsel to the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on the Constitution, Federalism, and Property Rights. He evaluated the constitutionality of proposed legislation, advised on legal policy, and coordinated hearings.

Adam Ciongoli conveyed his excitement about joining the FOX team during a dynamic phase in the media industry. He emphasized that FOX's unique position will enable the company to build on the established momentum of its industry-leading brands. Ciongoli expressed his anticipation of contributing to the continued success of the company. Ciongoli's comprehensive legal background and his ability to navigate complex legal and regulatory landscapes will undoubtedly prove invaluable as Fox Corporation continues to innovate and grow in the ever-changing media landscape.

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