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Community Discussion: What are some of the most effective cost-cutting strategies you have implemented in your legal department without compromising on quality?

GCs weigh in on some cost-effective strategies to help their legal team's efficiency without cutting on quality.

Community Discussion: What are some of the most effective cost-cutting strategies you have implemented in your legal department without compromising on quality?

(Author) General Counsel:

With the new fiscal year, we're being asked to cut costs. How are you all managing this without impacting the quality of your legal services?

General Counsel Responses:

  • Reviewing our subscriptions and memberships has helped us a lot. We realized we were paying for a lot of services we weren’t fully utilizing.
  • We transitioned some of our standard legal processes to more cost-effective tech platforms. Automating routine tasks has cut costs and surprisingly increased our accuracy. We're eyeing generative AI for solutions, but we're taking our time there.
  • I've been there. Negotiating better rates with outside counsel by promising a certain volume of work or considering alternative fee arrangements worked wonders for us.
  • It's all about internal training for us. Empowering our non-legal staff with basic compliance and contract training has reduced our dependency on outside firms for smaller issues.
  • Outsourcing might not always be the answer, but for certain standardized tasks, it has significantly reduced our costs. Just make sure you vet the vendors thoroughly.
  • Has anyone had success with shared service centers for basic legal functions? We’re considering it for contract management and initial compliance reviews.
  • We cut costs by consolidating our legal research tools. Turns out we had multiple subscriptions with overlapping services. Centralizing these saved us a bundle.
  • Another thing that worked for us was implementing stricter case assessment protocols. By weeding out less critical cases early, we saved on unnecessary legal expenditures.
  • We’ve started using AI for due diligence and discovery tasks. It was an investment upfront (which also includes quality control), but the long-term savings and increased speed have been significant.
  • One unconventional approach we took was cross-departmental training. Our HR and legal departments collaborated to handle employee-related issues, which reduced our spend on employment law specialists.
  • I've been pushing for more fixed-fee arrangements with outside counsel. It's met with some resistance, but it's definitely improved our budget predictability.
  • We're also promoting more in-house mediation instead of immediately jumping to litigation. It's incredible how much you can save in avoided court costs and settlements.
  • I've implemented a legal operations role in our department. Their sole focus is to streamline our processes and workflows, which has indirectly saved us money.

Give us your response and be a part of the discussion.





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