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Community Discussion: What methods have you implemented to streamline the onboarding process for new legal department hires?

Legal Operations professionals discuss how they train and onboard new hires in their department.

Community Discussion: What methods have you implemented to streamline the onboarding process for new legal department hires?

(Author) Legal Operations Lead:

I am a Legal Ops Lead in the Telecommunications sector and we are hiring at a rapid rate lately to keep up with growth. Our onboarding process is rocky (at best) just simply due to lack of experience in this area. I'm curious, what methods have you implemented to streamline the onboarding process for new legal department hires? 

Legal Operations Responses:

  • We've streamlined onboarding by creating interactive e-learning modules that new hires can complete at their own pace, which include everything from compliance to departmental workflows.
  • Don't know if this matters, but we are in automotive: our approach includes a buddy system, pairing new hires with experienced staff who guide them through the first few months and help integrate them into the company culture.
  • I swear by a 30-60-90 day plan that sets clear milestones for new hires, with regular check-ins to ensure they're on track and to address any concerns early on.
  • We use a project management tool to assign initial tasks to new team members, allowing them to familiarize themselves with ongoing cases in a controlled, measurable way.
  • We've developed a comprehensive onboarding manual that's constantly updated by current team members, ensuring it's always relevant and helpful.
  • Our onboarding process is centered around a week-long orientation where new hires shadow each sub-department within legal, giving them a holistic view of our operations.
  • We've found great success in gamifying the onboarding experience, which includes quizzes and interactive scenarios that make learning about our legal processes engaging.
  • We ensure that new hires have immediate access to all necessary legal databases and internal resources, along with a series of workshops to bring them up to speed.
  • Our onboarding emphasizes direct involvement in ongoing projects, so new hires can get hands-on experience from day one under supervision.
  • In Aerospace: We kick off with a 'Legal Operations Bootcamp' that runs new hires through simulations of typical legal challenges they’ll face, which builds confidence and practical skills quickly.

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