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REV Group Welcomes Stephen Zamansky as Senior Vice President and General Counsel

Stephen Zamansky Joins REV Group as Senior Vice President and General Counsel

REV Group Welcomes Stephen Zamansky as Senior Vice President and General Counsel
REV Group, Inc., a renowned manufacturer of specialty vehicles, has announced the appointment of Stephen Zamansky as Senior Vice President and General Counsel. As Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Zamansky will be responsible for overseeing legal, compliance, and governance functions across REV Group and its associated companies. He will report to Mark Skonieczny, the President and CEO of REV Group, and will also join REV's executive leadership team.
With a rich history of legal and executive leadership, Stephen Zamansky brings a wealth of experience to his new role at REV Group. Zamansky served as the Senior Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary at Cooper Tire & Rubber Co., where he played a pivotal role in the acquisition of the company by The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company in June 2021. Prior to that, he held a similar position at Essar Minerals Americas Inc., where he navigated the company through restructuring and successful profit-driven sales. His expertise extends to a range of roles, from self-employed legal and business consulting practices to serving as the Chief Legal and HR Officer in large companies like Titan Energy Partners/Titan Propane and DSL.net, Inc. Zamansky's career journey is marked by a consistent track record of thriving in roles that involve company restructuring, acquisitions, and driving profitability.
Zamansky obtained his law degree from Boston College Law School and holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Michigan.
Mark Skonieczny, CEO of REV Group, expressed his enthusiasm about the appointment, stating that the appointment of Zamansky as the leader of the legal team, marks an important milestone for REV Group. Zamansky brings with him a strong track record of transforming businesses and delivering results for global public companies. The executive leadership team is thrilled to welcome him and extend their acknowledgment of his exceptional leadership and expertise, expressing gratitude for his support during his tenure as interim General Counsel.
In his new role, Zamansky will not only handle legal matters but also have oversight of corporate governance, ethics, compliance, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) initiatives, social responsibility, and sustainability efforts across REV Group's portfolio of companies.
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