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Earl B. Parsons, III Takes the Helm as General Counsel at UtilityInnovation Group

UtilityInnovation Group welcomes Earl B. Parsons, III as general counsel

Earl B. Parsons, III Takes the Helm as General Counsel at UtilityInnovation Group

UtilityInnovation Group (UIG), a leading player in shaping the future of the global carbon-free grid, has announced a significant addition to its leadership team. Earl B. Parsons, III a seasoned legal and executive professional with over 30 years of experience in the electric utility industry, has assumed the role of General Counsel at UIG. This appointment signifies a pivotal moment in the company's growth and commitment to its mission of decarbonization and resiliency.

Earl B. Parsons, III's journey to the position of General Counsel at UIG is marked by a remarkable career in the electric utility sector. Most recently, he served as a partner at the prestigious Taylor English Duma LLP law firm in Atlanta, Georgia. Prior to that, he held the role of Deputy General Counsel – Commercial at the Southern Company, a position that underscored his impressive legal acumen.

During his tenure at the Southern Company, Mr. Parsons held a series of increasingly influential roles. He served as the Vice President and Chief System Contracts Officer, responsible for overseeing general legal services in compliance, labor, employee relations, litigation management, and government contracts and transactions on a systemwide scale. His work was instrumental in managing legal oversight for contracts and transactions, surpassing $5 billion USD annually.

Mr. Parsons also ventured abroad, taking the reins as CEO of Southwestern Electric Board Gas (SWEBGAS) in Bristol, England, where he played a pivotal role in deregulating the retail gas business. Additionally, he was responsible for overseeing the Southern Company's fuel program, which involved procuring coal, natural gas, fuel oil, and managing transportation contracts. His illustrious career began at the law firm Troutman Sanders (now Troutman Pepper) in Atlanta, Georgia.

Earl B. Parsons, III expressed his excitement about joining the UIG team. He reflected on the longstanding relationship he shares with Sidney Hinton, CEO of UIG, spanning over three decades as both have advanced their careers in the electric power sector. Parsons praised Hinton as one of the most innovative and entrepreneurial thinkers he has had the privilege to collaborate with. He also commended the world-class team that Hinton has assembled at UIG. Parsons eagerly anticipates the opportunity to contribute to the continued success of the team.

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