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Community Discussion: How do you ensure compliance with global regulations and manage risks effectively?

Legal Operations professionals discuss how they manage risk when it comes to global regulations.

Community Discussion: How do you ensure compliance with global regulations and manage risks effectively?

(Author) Head of Legal Operations:

Our company recently added a new center of business in another country and the transition has been a little hectic. We're trying to organize business on top of making sure everyone and everything we do is compliant. - How do you ensure compliance with global regulations and manage risks effectively?

Legal Operations Responses:

  • We've implemented a robust risk management framework that includes regular audits and compliance checks. Our legal team works closely with our global offices to ensure that we are in compliance with all local regulations.
  • We rely on a combination of internal policies and external legal counsel to navigate global regulations. Believe me, no matter what system you have in place, it will always be a constant challenge, but clear communication and regular training help us stay compliant!
  • Our approach is to have a dedicated compliance team that works closely with our legal department. We're in tech, so our industry has been witnessing tons of change lately. This compliance team is responsible for keeping abreast of global regulations and ensuring that we are always in compliance.
  • We've invested in a comprehensive legal operations platform that helps us manage compliance and risk across our global operations. I'm one of the hires from this initiative. This tool allows us to centralize our compliance efforts and track our performance over time.
  • Our strategy is to be proactive rather than reactive when it comes to compliance. We conduct regular risk assessments and work closely with our legal team to mitigate any potential risks before they become a problem.
  • We use a combination of internal and external resources to manage compliance and risk. Our internal legal team works closely with external counsel to ensure that we are always in compliance with global regulations.
  • We've implemented a comprehensive training program for our legal team and other relevant business units to ensure that everyone is aware of the compliance requirements and risks associated with our global operations. Being on the same page helps most business initiatives.
  • Our approach is to have a dedicated team of compliance professionals who work closely with our legal department. This team is responsible for monitoring global regulations (in the automotive industry) and ensuring that we are always in compliance.
  • We've invested in a sophisticated legal operations platform that helps us manage compliance and risk across our global operations. This tool allows us to centralize our compliance efforts and monitor our performance over time. A must for us, now that we've gotten used to it! 
  • Our strategy is to leverage technology to manage compliance and risk. We use a variety of tools and platforms to monitor global regulations and ensure that we are always in compliance.

Give us your response and be a part of the discussion.

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