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Community Discussion: How do you prioritize and delegate tasks when facing multiple high-stakes legal challenges simultaneously?

General Counsel weigh on on how they manage, delegate, and prioritize tasks in their demanding role.

Community Discussion: How do you prioritize and delegate tasks when facing multiple high-stakes legal challenges simultaneously?

(Author) General Counsel: 

Been swamped with multiple high-stakes legal challenges recently. How do you all prioritize and delegate tasks when everything seems to be on fire? Would appreciate some guidance.

General Counsel Responses:

  • First off, solidarity! It's never easy. I always start by mapping out the immediate risks associated with each challenge. Which issue, if left unaddressed, would have the most significant negative impact? That usually helps me prioritize.
  • I've found that having a solid team structure is crucial. Empower your senior legal team members to take ownership of certain challenges. Trusting them to manage some fires allows you to focus on others.
  • Communication is key. Regular check-ins, even if brief, help ensure everyone's on the same page. It's also vital to have a system (like project management software) where everyone can see the status of various tasks.
  • Don't hesitate to call in external help when needed. Sometimes, bringing in a specialized legal consultant or firm for a particular challenge can be a game-changer, freeing up your internal team to handle other pressing matters.
  • Delegate but stay informed. I ensure that I have a brief daily update from each team member about their progress. It helps me stay in the loop without micromanaging.
  • Totally relate to the feeling of everything being on fire. I've found that stepping back, even if for a short while, helps. Take a moment to breathe, assess the situation holistically, and then dive back in with a clear strategy.
  • Thanks for the tips, everyone. It's a juggling act, for sure. I'll definitely look into strengthening our team structure and consider external support for specialized challenges. Grateful for this community!

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