Community Discussion: How has the role of a General Counsel evolved with the advent of new technologies and digital transformation?

GCs talk about how new technology as impacted their role.

Community Discussion: How has the role of a General Counsel evolved with the advent of new technologies and digital transformation?

(Author) General Counsel:

The integration of technology in legal processes is something I’ve been mulling over recently. The speed at which digital transformation is happening is astounding, and it's clear that as General Counsels, we need to keep up. How has technology impacted your role, and how are you adapting?

General Counsel Responses:

  • You’ve brought up a poignant issue, OP. In our organization, the implementation of legal tech for contract management and e-discovery has significantly streamlined our operations. It’s been a learning curve but a rewarding one.
    • Same here. Also, I've noticed that with digital transformation, there's a growing expectation for us to not just be legal advisors but also strategic business advisors. Understanding the tech landscape helps in better aligning legal strategies with business goals.
      • The point on becoming strategic business advisors is spot on! I’ve found that gaining a basic understanding of data analytics has helped me provide more data-driven legal advice which is appreciated by the board.
  • Don’t even get me started on cybersecurity. It’s a whole new ballgame with the digital shift. We've had to work closely with our IT department to ensure compliance with various data protection laws. The tech lingo was a bit overwhelming at first, but it’s an essential part of our job now.
    • Absolutely. Cybersecurity is a paramount concern. Also, with remote working becoming a norm, managing a dispersed team and ensuring smooth communication has been a challenge. Thankfully, various collaboration tools have come to the rescue.
  • It's amazing how technology has permeated every aspect of our roles. On one hand, it's about leveraging tech tools for legal operations, and on the other, it's about understanding the legal implications of tech adoption in our organizations.
    • Yes, precisely! Also, I believe there’s a growing need for GCs to be involved in discussions about tech investments to ensure they comply with legal and regulatory frameworks from the get-go.
  • The learning never stops, does it? I’ve been attending webinars and taking courses on legal tech to stay updated. It’s a fascinating, albeit challenging, evolution of our role.
    • 100%. Continuous learning seems to be the only way to stay relevant in this rapidly changing environment. Moreover, fostering a culture of learning within our teams is crucial to ensure we are all moving forward together in this digital journey.

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