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Community Discussion: What types of relationships and networks are crucial for a General Counsel to maintain both inside and outside the company?

GCs discuss what types of relationships and networks are vital to maintain both inside and outside their organization.

Community Discussion: What types of relationships and networks are crucial for a General Counsel to maintain both inside and outside the company?

(Author) General Counsel:

Having navigated through the corporate waters for a while now, I've come to realize that the relationships we foster can significantly impact our effectiveness as GCs. Particularly, I’ve found liaisons with regulatory bodies and industry associations to be invaluable. - Has anyone else experienced the same?

General Counsel Responses:

  • Absolutely, OP! I believe maintaining good relationships with regulatory authorities is crucial. It not only helps in staying updated with the evolving legal landscape, but also facilitates smoother interactions whenever there are compliance issues. Moreover, having a network within industry associations can provide insights into best practices adopted by peers.
  • Internal networks are equally important. Building trust with the different department heads and understanding their challenges helps in providing better legal support and foreseeing potential legal hurdles.
    • OP: You hit the nail on the head. The internal networking aspect is something I’ve been working on recently. By having regular check-ins with various department heads, I've been able to stay ahead of potential legal issues (sort of advising as I go). It also makes the legal department more approachable.
  • Externally, I’ve found it beneficial to maintain a network with legal experts and consultants in specialized areas of law. It’s impossible to have an in-depth understanding of every legal nuance, and having a go-to expert can be a lifesaver in complex situations.
    • That’s a great point. In addition, being part of professional legal organizations and attending conferences has significantly expanded my network and provided learning opportunities. It’s amazing how a casual conversation can sometimes lead to solutions for ongoing legal challenges.
  • Let’s not forget the importance of a good relationship with external counsel. They are an extension of our legal team and having a transparent and collaborative relationship can drive better outcomes in legal proceedings.
  • The discussion here is eye-opening. I’m relatively new to the GC role and realizing the breadth and depth of relationships one needs to maintain. It’s a balancing act, but evidently a crucial one for our success in this role.
    • OP: Welcome to the GC world! It indeed is a balancing act. I’ve found mentorship to be invaluable in navigating these waters. Having a seasoned GC as a mentor has provided me with insights into managing these relationships effectively.
  • This discussion underscores the multi-dimensional role we play as GCs. It’s not just about legal acumen but also about being effective communicators and collaborators both within and outside our organization.

Give us your response and be a part of the discussion.

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