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Community Discussion: Given the often-unpredictable nature of legal challenges, how do you manage and justify your department's budget to the CFO or CEO?

General Counsel discuss justifying their budgets to the C-suite.

Community Discussion: Given the often-unpredictable nature of legal challenges, how do you manage and justify your department's budget to the CFO or CEO?


Given the often-unpredictable nature of legal challenges, how do you manage and justify your department's budget to the CFO or CEO?

General Counsel Responses:

  • Ah, budget talks – my least favorite time of the year. 😅 Every time I present our budget, I feel like I'm preparing for a courtroom battle. The unpredictability of legal challenges makes it so hard to pin down exact numbers. How do you all handle this?
  • Tell me about it! I've started using a mix of historical data and risk assessments. It's like, 'Based on our past 5 years, here's what we spent and why, and here's what we foresee for the next year.' Still feels like gazing into a crystal ball sometimes, though.
    • I do something similar. I also add a contingency buffer. It's like having an emergency fund. When I explain it's for unforeseen legal challenges, the CFO usually understands. I mean, better safe than sorry, right?
  • The key for me has been to emphasize the cost of NOT budgeting for potential legal issues. A small budgetary allowance now can save millions down the line in potential lawsuits or fines. It's all about framing it as a protective measure for the company.
  • I've found success in presenting it as an ROI issue. For every dollar we invest in proactive legal measures, how much are we potentially saving in reactive costs? It's not an exact science, but it does give a clearer picture.
    • I love the ROI approach. I've also tried to get more granular with my budget breakdowns. Instead of one big number, I present itemized forecasts. It's more work but helps the execs see where the money's going.
  • One strategy that's worked for me is collaborating closely with the finance team throughout the year, not just at budget time. Keeping them in the loop about our activities and potential risks makes the budgeting process smoother. They're less blindsided by the numbers.
  • I've also tried to showcase the non-tangible benefits of our department. Sure, there's a cost, but what about the reputation management, ethical standing, and stakeholder trust we uphold? It's hard to put a price on those, but they're invaluable for the company.
  • Honestly, it's always a dance, isn't it? Balancing the company's financial concerns with the unpredictable nature of our field. But remember, we're not just a cost center; we're a safety net. And sometimes, you have to invest in a sturdy net.


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