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Community Discussion: How do you continually prove the value of the legal operations department, ensuring it's not seen as just a cost center?

Legal Operations professionals discuss showcasing their value to a company.

Community Discussion: How do you continually prove the value of the legal operations department, ensuring it's not seen as just a cost center?

Author (Legal Operations Manager):

How do you continually prove the value of the legal operations department, ensuring it's not seen as just a cost center?

Legal Operations Responses:

  • Honestly, proving our department's value can be so draining sometimes. Recently, I started using analytics to show how our efficiency has improved with the new contract management system. It's been rewarding to see those numbers, but does anyone else have any other ways to make our value more visible?
    • I feel you! We've been there. One thing we did was showcase potential risks we've mitigated. It's like, 'Hey, look at all these landmines we helped you avoid!' It's indirect, but it helps paint a picture of how much trouble (and money) we're saving the company.
  • I've taken a slightly different approach. I've been doing regular presentations to the execs – kind of a 'here's what we did for you lately' spiel. It's been good for keeping our value front and center. Love the landmine analogy, might borrow that!
    • How do you document that? We've mitigated so many issues, but I struggle with how to present it without sounding like I'm bragging or making things up.
    • Maybe frame it as 'Challenges Overcome' or 'Potential Hurdles Navigated'? It sounds proactive and less like you're just dodging bullets. And by the way, there's no harm in a little bragging if it's true!
  • How often do you do these presentations? Monthly? Quarterly? I've been thinking of doing the same. And on a side note, we've tried integrating more with other departments. It's like becoming part of their success stories, so they vouch for us when needed.
  • That integration mentioned has been gold for us too. Especially when our team members become integral parts of key company projects. Makes us look less like backroom support and more like frontline warriors!
  • Frontline warriors? 😂 I love that! But seriously, anyone tried dashboards for the C-suite? We're setting one up, and I'm hoping it'll be a game-changer.
    • "We did! It took them a while to start checking it, but once they did, it became a regular point of reference. Make sure it's mobile-friendly; our CFO checks it on his tablet all the time.
  • All these points are super helpful. I've been trying open communication, just regular check-ins with stakeholders. It's informal but has been great for understanding their needs. Makes us more of a partner than just another department.

Give us your response and be a part of the discussion.

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