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Debra Achkire Joins Lido Advisors as General Counsel

Debra Achkire assumes role of general counsel at Lido Advisors LLC

Debra Achkire Joins Lido Advisors as General Counsel

Lido Advisors, LLC, a prominent wealth management firm headquartered in Los Angeles, California, has announced the appointment of Debra Achkire as their General Counsel.

Lido Advisors is a nationally recognized wealth advisory company with over $17 billion in assets under management. With 32 offices across the United States, Lido Advisors embraces an active approach to asset management, focusing on risk mitigation and providing access to alternative, core, and tactical investment strategies.

With over 25 years of experience in the financial industry, Debra brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Lido team. Her extensive legal background and leadership skills make her a valuable addition to the company.

Debra Achkire joins Lido Advisors from First Republic Bank, now part of JPMorgan Chase, where she served as Vice President and Associate General Counsel for six years. During her tenure at First Republic, she played a pivotal role in the rapid growth of the bank's Private Wealth Management business. She focused on transactional, regulatory, compliance, and litigation matters, contributing to the success of the division.

Before her time at First Republic, Debra held the position of Executive Director at Morgan Stanley. In this role, she provided expertise in investment adviser and broker-dealer matters, including litigation and regulatory issues. Her experience at Morgan Stanley further solidified her reputation as a seasoned legal professional in the financial industry.

As General Counsel, Debra will provide key leadership in reinforcing Lido Advisors' commitment to a strong legal and compliance environment. Her experience in guiding advisors through diverse legal matters will be invaluable as the company explores potential opportunities and partnerships to expand its national presence.

Jason Ozur, the Chief Executive Officer of Lido Advisors, expressed his excitement about Debra joining the team. He recognized her extensive experience and highlighted the value she will bring to the firm as they continue to provide an innovative and high-touch client experience.

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