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The Future of Flexible Work in BigLaw

Flexible work arrangements are increasingly important for legal professionals.

The Future of Flexible Work in BigLaw

The legal industry has long been known for its rigid work structures and traditional office environments. However, the future of work in BigLaw is set to change dramatically with the advent of flexible work arrangements. This shift is being driven by a combination of factors, including advances in technology, changing employee expectations, and the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

One of the key trends shaping the future of flexible work in BigLaw is the concept of ‘core days’ or ‘core hours.’ This approach allows employees to have a certain degree of flexibility in their work schedules while ensuring that there are set times during which all team members are available for collaboration and meetings. This not only provides employees with a better work-life balance but also fosters a culture of collaboration and teamwork.

Another trend that is gaining traction in Big Law is ‘hoteling.’ This involves employees not having a fixed desk or office, but instead booking a workspace  when they need it. Hoteling can be particularly beneficial for law firms with multiple offices, allowing employees to work from the location that is most convenient for them on any given day. It also makes efficient use of office space, reducing overhead costs.

“What is not effective is telling people to be in a few days a week, but there’s no one else there,” Major, Lindsey & Africa recruiter Kate Reder Sheikh recently told Law.com’s Jessie Yount. “The experience people are having, anecdotally, is they are going into the office because it’s required or expected, and all of their meetings are on Zoom anyway.”

A recent survey conducted by Realm in 2021 polled 100 legal professionals, more than two-thirds (79%) of whom were qualified fee-earners. The survey found that flexibility was the most important factor for lawyers when considering a new job, followed by pay and culture fit. The survey found that up to 70% of lawyers are more likely to stay with a firm that offers flexible work options.

“It’s clear that following the Covid-19 pandemic, when almost all lawyers were working remotely, individuals have realized that the traditional 9-5 office-based approach just isn’t the only option anymore,” said Duane Cormell, managing director, Realm Recruit. “It is in the best interest of firms to address their flexible working policies, as our research shows the next biggest single factor firms can continue to meaningfully compete on is pay.”

However, flexible work arrangements also present challenges, particularly when it comes to attendance tracking. With employees working different hours and from different locations, keeping track of who is working when and where can be complex. Advances in technology are providing other options; with numerous software solutions available that can automatically track employee attendance, even when they are working remotely.

While these trends offer exciting possibilities for the future of work in BigLaw, they also require careful management. Law firms will need to ensure that they have the right policies and procedures in place to support flexible work arrangements while maintaining productivity and client service standards.

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