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Reimagining eDiscovery: Reveal's Acquires Logikcull and IPRO

Reveal has acquired Logikcull and IPRO in a a deal valued at over $1B, backed by K1 Investment Management.

Reimagining eDiscovery: Reveal's Acquires Logikcull and IPRO

In a groundbreaking move that is set to redefine the landscape of legal technology, Reveal, a global leader in AI-powered eDiscovery platforms, has announced the acquisition of both Logikcull and IPRO. These two companies are also key players in the eDiscovery space. The deal, valued at over $1 billion, was backed by K1 Investment Management, Reveal's majority shareholder.

The acquisition brings together the unique strengths of all three companies, creating an end-to-end eDiscovery platform. This platform is designed to cater to legal matters of all sizes and complexities, making it a one-stop solution for solo practitioners to large enterprises.

Wendell Jisa, the Founder and CEO of Reveal, emphasized that the acquisitions are part of a broader growth strategy. The aim is to integrate the best technologies into a single platform, offering clients more choices and control over their eDiscovery workflows. The platform will now feature Logikcull's user-friendly interface and IPRO's global reach and information governance tools.

The acquisitions also signify Reveal's intent to tap into an untapped global legal market. With employees now stationed in over two dozen countries and a customer base exceeding 4,000 clients, Reveal is poised for global domination in the legal tech industry.

One of the most exciting aspects of this acquisition is the integration of industry-leading AI-powered eDiscovery solutions. The combined capabilities of Logikcull, IPRO, and Reveal will offer the most advanced automation features in the industry, covering every stage of the eDiscovery process.

The expanded suite of solutions offers a range of benefits. This includes multiple eDiscovery options to suit different scales and complexities of legal cases, democratizing eDiscovery for all legal matters, and introducing AI technology to a new global client base.

Reveal, along with Logikcull and IPRO, has a combined team of eDiscovery experts to ensure that clients receive tailored solutions to navigate complex litigation challenges.

The acquisitions mark a significant milestone in the legal tech industry. By bringing together the strengths of these three companies, Reveal has set a new standard for eDiscovery platforms, offering a comprehensive, AI-powered solution for legal professionals worldwide.

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