5 Must-Attend Sessions to Supercharge Your Legal Career at CLOC 2023 🚀

As the industry-leading legal and talent marketplace, we're passionate about helping you excel at every stage of your legal career. That's why our team has handpicked the top 5 career development sessions you absolutely cannot afford to miss at this year's CLOC conference!

5 Must-Attend Sessions to Supercharge Your Legal Career at CLOC 2023 🚀

Are you ready for the biggest, most exciting event of the year? That's right, CLOC's CGI 2023 is just around the corner, and we couldn't be more thrilled! 

As the industry-leading legal and talent marketplace, we aim to support your career development at whatever stage you're at in your legal journey. To help you make the most of this incredible conference, we've handpicked our top 5 sessions that promise to be game-changers for your career.

Get ready for a whirlwind of fun, inspiration, and expert advice that will leave you feeling empowered and prepared to conquer the top conference for in-house and legal operations professionals! Trust us, these sessions are not to be missed! 

Don't forget to check out our dedicated Legal.io + CLOC 2023 landing page to learn how we’re driving innovation and building the future of legal work. 

  1. Foundations of Legal Ops: Starting Your Journey to Career Success
    Monday, May 15 | 1-5pm | Pre-Event Workshop

    Join our very own Tom Stephenson, VP of Community & Legal Operations for Legal.io in this exclusive pre-workshop!

    The legal operations profession is growing and thriving with limitless opportunities — and it’s welcoming new leaders with diverse (often non-legal or non-lawyer) backgrounds. Knowing the terms, expectations, and functions can be overwhelming when first stepping into the role. This foundational session will provide you with a better understanding of the fundamentals and importance of this function to an organization. If you’re just starting out in legal operations, this session will set you up for success with insights from these epic leaders:

    Adam Becker, Director of Legal Operations, Cockroach Labs
    Laura Dieudonnè, Legal Operations and Administration Director, Delta
    Angela Mendenhall, Senior Manager of Legal Operations, Convoy
    Carl Morrison, Chief of Staff, modCounsel
    Richard Robinson, Director of Legal Operations and Litigation Support, Toyota
    Jennifer Stalnaker, Contract Specialist, Delta
    Tom Stephenson, VP, Community and Legal Operations, Legal.io — and host of the Dear Legal Ops podcast

  2. Career Center: Failing Forward: How Setbacks Can Become Strategic Advantages
    Wednesday, May 17 | 11:40am-12:10pm

    Join Priya Lele, Director of Legal Operations at EY and Alex Su, Head of Community Development at Ironclad for an interactive discussion on how to turn career setbacks into strategic advantages in your career development. Priya and Alex discuss their career journeys, including challenges and past failures and how those experiences paved the way for their successes. Attendees will then reflect on their professional journeys and explore positive outcomes from negative scenarios. This interactive session will help you reframe failures into advantages for your future career endeavors.

    Priya Lele, Director of Legal Operations, EY
    Alex Su, Head of Community Development, Ironclad

  3. Reinventing Your Role, Transforming Your Career, and Creating Opportunity in an Uncertain Market
    Wednesday, May 17 | 2:40-3:10pm

    Join legal industry analyst Ari Kaplan in a practical discussion about how to create career opportunities by showcasing your expertise, expanding your network, and leveraging technology to stand out in a rapidly changing market.

    Ari Kaplan, Principal, Ari Kaplan Advisors
    Jennifer Phillips, Head of Legal Operations, Johnson & Johnson
    Deisha Vasquez, Director of Legal Operations, Zelis

  4. Career Center: Unlock Your Legal Ops Career: Ask Me Anything with Industry Veterans!
    Thursday, May 18 | 10:15-10:45am

    In this session, you will get an opportunity to ask industry veterans about their careers in the legal industry. Our esteemed panel of experts will share their experiences, insights, and tips on how to build a successful career in and even beyond legal ops. Whether you're a seasoned legal operation professional or just starting in the field, this open discussion session is an excellent opportunity for legal operations professionals to gain valuable insights into the industry and network with peers and experts in the field.

    Adam Becker, Director of Legal Operations, Cockroach Labs
    Marla Crawford, General Counsel, Cimplifi
    Priya Lele, Director, Legal Operations, EY
    Mateo Sanchez, Head of Legal Operations, Outside

  5. Addressing the 6 Core Causes of Burnout for Your Legal Team
    Tuesday, May 16 | 2:40-3:10pm

    Burnout has become one of the most talked about workplace topics in the legal profession and beyond, and its impact is far-reaching. The 24/7 pace of legal work, unpredictability and uncertainty, geopolitical unrest, and a recession have put lawyers and legal professionals on a path to burnout, a cycle that only accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Burnout affects the health and well-being of the entire legal organization, yet most attempts to help focus on quick-fix strategies aimed at individuals. Something is missing. In this program, Paula will focus on helping legal teams identify and better understand the six core causes of burnout with actionable strategies to address each cause.

    Paula Davis, Founder/CEO, The Stress 7 Resilience Institute
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