Newsletter - January 13, 2023 Edition #141

Published weekly on Friday, the Newsletter covers the latest in legal, talent & tech Newsletter - January 13, 2023 Edition #141


AI Lawyer Will Help Defend A Real Case - A smartphone program by DoNotPay (an AI-based legal startup) trained with the help of AI is set to help a defendant contest his case in a US court next month. More here

Supreme Court Declines to Block WhatsApp Lawsuit - The highest court in the US has opted not to block a lawsuit brought by WhatsApp challenging the alleged mass phone hacking by Israeli spyware maker NSO Group. More here.

GDPR Tech Fines - With the news of Ireland's Data Protection Commissioner (DPC) fining Meta $410M for data breaches (and as legislation and regulation develop), take a look at the highest data breach fines in tech. More here

Seattle Schools Sue Social Media Tech Giants - The public school district of Seattle has filed suit against the TikTok, Meta, YouTube, Snapchat and other tech giants seeking to hold them accountable for the mental health crisis among youth. More here

Musk: 'Error' Results in Hiring Perkins Coie - Twitter CEO Elon Musk confirmed in an email last week that hiring the law firm Perkins Coie to defend the company in an California federal lawsuit was 'error on the part of a member of the Twitter team'. More here

Mickey Mouse - Disney's copyright on the first animated cartoon to feature Mickey Mouse expires this year and will enter the public domain on January 1, 2024. Many rights to works such as Woolf's To The Lighthouse, and the last Sherlock Holmes stories by Doyle have expired already. More here

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