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Legal.io Newsletter - June 17, 2022

Published weekly on Friday, the Legal.io Newsletter covers the latest in legal, talent & tech.

Legal.io Newsletter - June 17, 2022


Apple's iMessage Update May Cause eDiscovery Issues - Attorneys may lose a serious amount of information with Apple's iOS 16 updates this fall as the ability for users to 'recall' and edit not long ago dispatched messages goes live. More here.

988 Mental Health Hotline - Only 20 out of the 35 states that have introduced legislation for a new suicide hotline have made the legislation law as of earlier this month. Only four of those states have passed bills to finance it. More here.  

Juneteenth - As June 19th approaches, Legal.io recognizes and celebrates the anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. Here are some ways in which tech companies are commemorating the holiday.

BigLaw Rates Topping $2K - Some of the top law firms in the US are charging more than $2k/hr, setting another new record after a two-year burst in demand. In the same vein, several BigLaw firms have fallen in line with the new $215K associates salary scale.   

The Legal Tech Fund Secures $28.5M - TLTF exceeded its $25M goal and officially closed the raise in November of last year. Investors came from Orrick, McDermott, DocuSign and others. More here

Google Settles Unequal Pay Lawsuit - The company agreed to pay out $118M to more than 15,500 female staff who earned $17k less than their male colleagues in the same position. More here

Apple Music's Juneteenth Playlist - The tech conglomerate is honoring the holiday with a diverse range of Black artists here

In-house? Join the conversation on Fishbowl (anonymous).

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