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Community Perspectives: What's the difference between in-house and law firm life as a new parent?

In-house legal professionals discuss how they balance parenthood with in-house or law firm roles.

Community Perspectives: What's the difference between in-house and law firm life as a new parent?

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Robinhood Criticizes SEC Wells Notice Approach

Despite efforts to achieve regulatory clarity, Robinhood faces increased scrutiny and potential severe repercussions amidst broader regulatory crackdowns on the cryptocurrency industry.

Robinhood Criticizes SEC Wells Notice Approach
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With stronger cloud tools, improved security, and wider connectivity - there isn't any reason why law firms cannot adopt sensible remote work policies. 

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The U.S. Federal Trade Commission adopted a final rule, called the “click to cancel” rule, requiring businesses to make it as easy to cancel subscriptions and memberships as it is to sign up.

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H-1B Visa Alternatives

In 2015, 233,000 applicants competed for the 65,000 H-1B visas available.

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